Hi, the default Roboto font is boring me out of my mind and I'd like to change it.
In the past, I've done so by just replacing the font file in the OS, which worked well, but meant that it would reset after every OS update.
I'm considering scripting that with ADB to make it less of a pain, but figured I should ask, if there's a better way.
I'm on LineageOS which has a font styling system, but it only applies to the OS, not the user-installed apps...
From a security perspective, I'm not worried about root permissions, so long as I don't have to use proprietary or sketchy apps in combination with it.
I have to admit, though, that I'm a bit out of the loop what the current strategies for managing root permissions are and the last time I used it, Google had successfully made it enough of a PitA and there were hardly apps that made use of root, so my intuition is that using ADB is just easier.
I would be using ADB with root access, though, of course...
I use magisk it's open source, systemless, has option to hide root from other apps and has option to update the boot image after an OS update. You can get modules from the magisk repo. The app I use are viper4android and iconify. There are more but they don't come to mind, a must have is bootloop saver. There's also shizuku that is accepted by some of these apps but I haven't really checked it out. It also depends on OS and if you can unlock bootloader