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ADHD Women Weekly Check in for Dec 31st - Jan 6th : How Are You Doing?

Let's catch up - all topics are welcome!

  • I want to say how grateful I am to this community. It may not seem like much, but reading through comments and looking at memes genuinely makes me happy. It makes me happy to know that I'm not alone, and that I'm not weird (well, I am... but in a good way).

    I'm hoping that 2024 will bring new heights to conquer and hopefully some peace as well - to all of us. Happy New Year to everyone!

    I'm curious, do you guys prefer audio books or regular books? I can really mostly do audio because I find it difficult to sit still and read. But I've also heard that a lot of people with ADHD may also have auditory processing issues, so I'm curious. I'm about to start reading (listening to) Scattered Minds by Gabor Maté; I'm really excited to learn more about ADHD and understand myself better.

    • I kind of just have issues keeping my attention on either honestly, unless I suddenly get absorbed in the topic which does happen and then I marathon read/listening. I just do what I can when I can. At least listening i can just rewind when I fade off and I can do other stuff while listening where as reading I need to be low enough energy to sit long enough. I do enjoy the tactile feeling of reading a real book and flipping through the pages when I manage it. I apparently have 3 different books going right now and it's taking me forever to read them.

      As for how I'm doing this week? I don't know, nervous about the classes I'm starting in a few weeks, trying to get back to where I was at before the holidays, some mistakes where made but I am forgiving myself and moving on from it. My cat is not doing well (she is very old) and I might have to say goodbye soon, I'm having emotions that I haven't sorted about the entirety of last year and trying to figure out where to go from here with the new year. All in all though I am okay and just taking it one day at a time.

      • Thank you for sharing! What classes are you starting, if you don't mind me asking? And I'm very sorry to hear your cat is not doing well. Losing pets is heartbreaking... I hope you are able to spend some good times with her before she crosses the rainbow bridge. One day at a time sounds about right.

        Oh, and I also have 2-3 books going at once. It gets confusing, lol.