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Blue Eye Samurai is the most woke premise told in the least woke manner

This is what Disney could somehow never do. The story is about women literally fighting the patriarchy and killing white men.

But the way it's told it's just about people trying to adapt to their circumstances in a difficult environment.

  • Training montage. Mizu has one, Rey doesn't. And she wins because she flows like water, knows all the styles while the Samurai are stuck in one rigid style.

  • No I in Team, Akemi and Mizu both gradually accept help from people of all levels, they aren't superheroes. They both love, even though they may get disappointed or lost.

  • Strategies, despite being strong women, Akemi and Mizu both develop different methods of getting what they want, through the front door with a lot of physical pain or from the inside with a lot of emotional pain.

The men are written well as well. Ringo is disabled and shunned, but has optimistic view of the world. The swordmaster is blind but highly respected. Taigen slowly grows as a character and shows that he has honour.