worth selfhosting immich or similar? what about backups?
I have recently repurposed and old Hp Stream to a home server and successfully run Immich. I really like it and even a small 500GB disk is way more than the 15GB Google offers.
My issue though is about backup. I would only be comfortable if all the data is backed up in an off-site server (cloud).
But the back up storage will probably cost as much as paying for a service like ente or similar, directly replacing Google photo.
What am I missing? Where do you store your backup?
I backup to a external hard disk that I keep in a fireproof and water resistant safe at home. Each service has its own LVM volume which I snapshot and then backup the snapshots with borg, all into one repository. The backup is triggered by a udev rule so it happens automatically when I plug the drive in; the backup script uses ntfy.sh (running locally) to let me know when it is finished so I can put the drive back in the safe. I can share the script later, if anyone is interested.
I followed the guide found here, however with a few modifications.
Notably, I did not encrypt the borg repository, and heavily modified the backup script.
#!/bin/bash -ue
# The udev rule is not terribly accurate and may trigger our service before
# the kernel has finished probing partitions. Sleep for a bit to ensure
# the kernel is done.
# This can be avoided by using a more precise udev rule, e.g. matching
# a specific hardware path and partition.
sleep 5
# Script configuration
# The backup partition is mounted there
# This is the location of the Borg repository
# Archive name schema
DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')-$(hostname)
# This is the file that will later contain UUIDs of registered backup drives
# Find whether the connected block device is a backup drive
for uuid in $(lsblk --noheadings --list --output uuid)
if grep --quiet --fixed-strings $uuid $DISKS; then
if [ ! $uuid ]; then
echo "No backup disk found, exiting"
exit 0
echo "Disk $uuid is a backup disk"
# Mount file system if not already done. This assumes that if something is already
# mounted at $MOUNTPOINT, it is the backup drive. It won't find the drive if
# it was mounted somewhere else.
(mount | grep $MOUNTPOINT) || mount $partition_path $MOUNTPOINT
drive=$(lsblk --inverse --noheadings --list --paths --output name $partition_path | head --lines 1)
echo "Drive path: $drive"
# Log Borg version
borg --version
echo "Starting backup for $DATE"
# Make sure all data is written before creating the snapshot
# Options for borg create
BORG_OPTS="--stats --one-file-system --compression lz4 --checkpoint-interval 86400"
# No one can answer if Borg asks these questions, it is better to just fail quickly
# instead of hanging.
# Create backups
function backup () {
local DISK="$1"
local LABEL="$2"
shift 2
local SNAPSHOT="$DISK-snapshot"
local SNAPSHOT_DIR="/mnt/snapshot/$DISK"
local DIRS=""
while (( "$#" )); do
# Make and mount the snapshot volume
mkdir -p $SNAPSHOT_DIR
lvcreate --size 50G --snapshot --name $SNAPSHOT /dev/data/$DISK
mount /dev/data/$SNAPSHOT $SNAPSHOT_DIR
# Create the backup
# Check the snapshot usage before removing it
lvremove --yes /dev/data/$SNAPSHOT
# usage: backup <lvm volume> <snapshot name> <list of folders to backup>
backup photos immich immich
# Other backups listed here
echo "Completed backup for $DATE"
# Just to be completely paranoid
if [ -f /etc/backups/autoeject ]; then
udisksctl power-off -b $drive
# Send a notification
curl -H 'Title: Backup Complete' -d "Server backup for $DATE finished" ''
Most of my services are stored on individual LVM volumes, all mounted under /mnt, so immich is completely self-contained under /mnt/photos/immich/. The last line of my script sends a notification to my phone using ntfy.
Fireproof safes don't protect against heat except what's high enough to combust paper. Temps will still probably be high enough to destroy a drive with a regular fireproof safe.