Do you prefer CD-R or CD-RW for music?
Do you prefer CD-R or CD-RW for music?
For those who use CDs for music, which writable CD type do you use, and why?
Main differences:
- CD-R can only be written once
- CD-RW is more expensive
Do you prefer CD-R or CD-RW for music?
For those who use CDs for music, which writable CD type do you use, and why?
Main differences:
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just curious why anyone would bother using a CD—its a digital medium so playing a CD vs just playing a .wav file off your computer or phone is literally the exact same audio quality (unless the cd is damaged and you get skipping which is not optimal…). You can connect speakers to a computer. it is literally the exact same thing. I understand people liking ANALOG media (vinyl or [for some unknown reason] tape cassette) but what is the point of using an out dated, flimsy and easily destructible DIGITAL storage?
car stereo, without connecting a phone
Yea, but why?
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