Passive: Creatures of nature rejuvenate in Oberon's presence, causing all Companions to receive +25% Health, Shield and Armor links. Oberon's own Companion also receives 1 instant revive per mission. Smite - Focuses deadly energy within a target and then projects it outwards, damaging both the target and surrounding enemies. Hallowed Ground - Sanctifies the ground before Oberon with righteous fire, inflicting damage to any enemy that stands in the flames. Renewal - Healing waves of energy flow outward from Oberon to his allies, regenerating health over time. Reckoning - Quickly lifts enemies into the air and then hurls them down with conviction. Enemies who succumb to this power have a chance to spawn a Health Sphere.
Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints are obtained from Earth Proxima (Neuroptics & Systems) and Saturn Proxima (Chassis) Points of Interest in Empyrean missions.
Oberon will always hold a special place for me. As someone not happy with state of public Eidolon hunts, he gave me the ability to solo (all three!). Shards were finally obtainable :)