There's some Dasani garbage in my fridge that I keep for delusional guests because Amazon sent it to me by mistake. It has an ingredients list on the label. Ingredients, plural. The fuck does WATER need an ingredients list for?
Never heard of minerals?
Only laypeople think that water is a single ingredient. Science tells us that water is actually composed of H, 2, and O.
Have you tried the sequel version? I heard it was so much of an improvement. They are calling it h2o2.
Florida water smells and tastes like sulfur. Fuck Florida.
Fr fr night water is magical
Night shrooms is magical too
We got a Berkey and I can't go back.
How is living with it for primary use? It sounds appealing versus a plumbed in system or countertop on-demand reverse osmosis, but it’s a big space user
True hydrohomie out there
Do people say that?
Uncultured swine does
Gotta say rain water hit different.
the only taste difference i'd feel comfortable with is metal leeching from iron/copper (had some water from a pump in a nature reserve that tasted fresh as fuck thanks to the metal pump) and differing hardness, otherwise water should be quite standard.
honestly a lot of the water in the rest of the world kind of sounds terrifying