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Smoothing out the scrolling experience in Chrome on Android

Smoothing out the scrolling experience in Chrome on Android

In Android 14, the nanosecond API for java MotionEvents will be publicly exposed in the SDK so Chrome (and other apps with unbuffered input) will be able to call it

In the end, after tuning and enabling the 1€ filter, metrics show a 2x reduction in visible jank while scrolling slowly. This improvement is going live in M116 as the default, but will be launched all the way back to M110 and brings Chrome on Android on par with Chrome on iOS

  • I can't say I've ever noticed any scrolling issues with Chromium on Android, but I'd welcome improvements nevertheless! This is one area I find Firefox to still be a bit behind on.

    • I remember back in like the S7 days, Samsung Internet was much smoother than Chrome. I haven't used a recent Samsung flagship but Chrome is much better than it used to be