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Inside the AI Factory /save/

A lot of info about AI recently, and it's use of wage-slave labor abroad, and some in North America. I doubt this is news to anyone here, but it's an interesting read none the less by one reporter who did some digging.

Here is a quote from someone who trains AI in Africa:

“I really am wasting my life here if I made somebody a billionaire and I’m earning a couple of bucks a week.”

In solidarity my friend from abroad :( I hope one day my country can be rid of those that bring this bullshit to the world.

Truly the Libs in America have to be willfully ignorant of their privilege (Irony is obvious) to ignore this stuff.

Aside: nymag looks to be "normie left" but not communist by any means. Anyone have any reason to hate/like it as a source besides the obvious? I haven't read a lot from it, but this article seemed to be not to bad from a reporting accuracy perspective.