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Food scientist have invented a 'palm oil' that can be grown locally with linseed and rapeseed, is significantly healthier and up to 70% better for the environment. Researchers Develop PALM-ALT as a More Sustainable Alternative to Palm Oil - EcoWatch

About half of all packaged goods found in grocery stores contain palm oil, because this product is versatile, grows efficiently for better yields and has low production costs. However, palm oil comes at a high cost to the environment, and its production is a leading cause of deforestation around the...

Researchers Develop PALM-ALT as a More Sustainable Alternative to Palm Oil - EcoWatch

Food experts from Queen Margaret University (QMU) in Edinburgh, Scotland, have cooked up a substitute for one of the world’s most environmentally contentious ingredients: palm oil.

They’re calling the breakthrough innovation PALM-AT, and say the plant-based discovery is healthier for both people and the planet.

It has 88 per cent less saturated fat and comes with – they say – 70 per cent lower emissions than regular palm oil, which is used in everything from baked goods to toothpaste to cosmetics.

Developed using linseed and rapeseed combined with fibre, it can be made locally on a global scale, avoiding the deforestation and habitat loss associated with palm oil production in countries including Malaysia and Indonesia.