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  • We absolutely have to cut funding to a genocidal apartheid state. He's giving them more.

    I wish we had viable alternative parties, because of course I'm going to vote for Dems, but I don't like Biden, I don't like Israel and I'm tired of people being killed with my tax dollars in foreign lands instead of feeding and housing my country men.

    So yeah, he's supporting genocide by supporting Israel.

    And I don't support that at all. Neither do you, even though we're still going to vote for him because the alternative is worse.

    God damn it

    • Exactly. I'm so fucking tired of the same old assholes in the DNC misusing the party for neofascist nonsense. But I know it's not like the repubs would do anything different other than try to bring murdering a populous into the US. We're 100% screwed. Proud of South Africa, though. Reminds me of a stellar SA lawyer I used to work for here in the US who has dedicated his entire life to helping undocumented people in the US. He's on fringe right winger's harrass list. Always worried our office would get shot up. Anyway, I'm grateful SA gets it and has the spine to say so.

  • They've all done it. Congress is the problem, not the particular geriatric in the white house at any time. Your meme is myopic as fuck, that's why you're getting downvoted, and you deserve it for doing it so badly.