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Delete cache funtion

I would really like a delete cache function in voyagerapp on ios. Other apps have it. I reinstall (as someone suggested) the app now every couple of weeks because a cache of 4gb is insane, and if i dont do this it just keep filling mu iphone. Shouldnt be that hard to implement?

  • The cache is 100% Apple/iOS code that should free up if you're running low on device space.

    I researched a bit ago and it is possible to force clear, I think, but its a low priority because it's not a bug, it's iOS using unused device space for caching.

    Really the bug is that cache is exposed as 'used space' in the interface anyways. iOS should show cache as free space (because it just gets cleared when you need the space anyways).

    • Hm. Ok well if this is true then im off to using lunar. Its still in testflight stage but i can do clear cache and doesnt fill up my iphone. Maybe there will be a funtion in the future but deleting and reinstalling every few weeks is not my thing mu cache now for voyagerapp is 6gb (or used space). Shame but Lunar is also very nice app.

      • No worries! I encourage you to use whatever app works best for you! That's the best part of Lemmy, there's lots of great apps.