Two moods
Two moods
Two moods
This meme would be so relatable if I had any friends.
Friends are overrated, comrade!
Friends are capitalistic propaganda to make you easier to manipulate and control into working long hours so that some guy called "CEO" can show off all of his green pieces of paper to his friends /s
Average linux user
all his friends left because he kept rambling about linux
During last gamenight with the friends we decided to play halo infinite. We all had a good laugh that the two on windows were the only ones crashing
I would not let that live down tbh
i often play gta online with two friends who use windows. they have crashes, sounds disappearing, issues joining sessions and they keep falling through ground. on mint my only problem is no cursor in social club. my framerate is not great though, 80 - 100 vs on windows it stays above 120. except for the random massive lag spikes.
Me playing The Finals too, the other two crashing before the match and I was more like 'I'm just hoping that I don't get banned for playing on linux'
It’s hilarious to me that I have to jump through so many hoops to get my old games working on windows when they run almost out of the box on Linux, but on the flip side with all the launchers and shit built into AAA games today it’s a hassle to get them set up on Linux. Like once I do get them set up they work great. But lutris, proton versions, winetricks, etc to get them working is an activity
Did they play the cracked version or the Steam version?
It was the pvp multiplayer that's free, so the steam version.
Break free of proprietary friends ^^
All my friends are Open Source if you know what I mean
Many people commit to them and they fork off to others?
I definitely won't be installing windows 11, so I'll join soon
Well it's getting better, and fast imo. When I started using Linux some 4 years ago I could barely play anything in my library. If the game had online functionality in any way, chances were it didn't run. That has gotten a lot better imo but Proton is still not where it needs to be. But things change and from what I, as a consumer, can see it seems like the biggest problem now are invasive Anti-Cheats rather than anything fundamentally breaking the games.
Edit: but yeah, it sucks when shit ain't working and the small fraction of stuff not working is still a bit much to swallow
I've built my current gaming pc in april of 2022, installed ubuntu and really haven't had any issues that weren't solved by 5 minutes of googling
for me it's mostly because i specifically messed something up
I prefer co op games anyway so there is no reason to be forced to opt into an anti cheat game but here we are.
Honestly Steam and Proton have solved like 90% or more of this issue, i was in this spot in the past for a long, long time, but Steam has made this work almost seamlessly for a great number of games
And then i got the Steam Deck and this went into overdrive
At this point i feel like Linux is a realistic option for a gamer, qualified of course (anti-cheat tech tends to break things, plus there's a few problematic ones), but we are at the point where you can buy an AAA title and be relatively confident it will run on Linux (check first though)
I still can't believe how good elden ring runs. Just about every single game i've played in my library has run acceptably for years now. The couple of games I had trouble with running like 5 years ago works nice now. Thank you steam/valve for the godsend that is proton and the deck. All hail gaben.
Honestly Steam and Proton have solved like 90% or more of this issue
As a somewhat recent Windows expatriate (1.5 years I think?), I certainly recall more issues on Win11.
Haven't run into a game yet that doesn't run on Linux when using Proton. 👌
Most of the games not running today would run perfectly if they did not have some bullshit anti-cheat implemented (Easy Anti-Cheat is I think the worst offender here).
Source: personal experience checking ProtonDB for games I want to play
Unfortunately there's a cheating plague right now. It's never been easier to cheat. It's a huge problem in any competitive shooter. If you want your game to be successful, you need decent anti cheat.
I can't blame the devs for using a plug and play solution.
Battlebit Remastered ran fine with EZ anti-cheat through steam on Mint 21.3, with no exra steps required, just this week. Did something get fixed, or was I just lucky?
Huh? Easy Anti-Cheat is the one that actually works for me on Linux.
The only games that give me any trouble are some Japanese VNs, which can be absolutely cursed for some reason. Like, massive tech juggernauts like Cyberpunk are click and play, but I've spent hours getting books-with-PNGs working.
That's because their code quality is usually an absolute dumpster fire that only works if Wine exactly replicates obscure Windows bugs.
There are a couple, but I'm spoiled for choice with great games so the convenience of being able to run something on my Steam Deck means that the few that don't run just drop to the bottom of the backlog. Proton is really a brilliant feat of engineering.
the one i am the most sad about is magicka 1 - great game but getting it to run on linux is (as far as i've found so far) pretty much impossible.
Won't claim that it runs all that great on windows either though - getting through a chapter without crashing is rarer than i'd like it to be...
I recently heard about this. I used to play it. I searched on the steam discussion page and there is a fan patch that fixes all the crashes. It is on github. I found it for you. Try this.
My problem is that I enjoy specific multiplayer games. League, Val, Finals. Those are the three right now and riot specifically seems a tad disinterested in Linux. Sadge.
League is owned by Tencent who is specifically interested in using the software for the benefit of the Chinese government as is mandatory for them. They don't want you using an OS with actual security. Heck, they don't even want you to see a skin or splash art that hasn't been approved by their government!
Genshin Impact, anticheat thibjs you're cheating, blocked until fixed. Happens every update.
Good luck!
Genshin works by now lol
I’ve run into many, the latest being Rising Storm 2. Its development has been suspended and the EAC is a version that doesn’t work with Linux, so you can’t play on any servers except the ones that allow hackers. There’s also the issues with performance in Squad on Linux. Starship Troopers: Extermination also runs better on Windows. That’s just the ones I’ve had an issue with in the past month.
That being said, I’m still not willing to go back to Windows, even to play these games.
Maybe i bricked something in my machine somewhere when messing with drivers for machine learning cuda support. But I often have games that are 'supported' through proton but fail to launch or even crash my PC. Metro exodus & deep rock to name a few. Other games do run great. But still things like steam big picture being laggy is annoying.
yeh that'll probably be it tbf... the cuda drivers are specifically for scientific computing and are pretty rubbish for anything else unfortunately... even amd ones are like that :(
however a way i found around it is to just push my gpu compute envs to docker and voila (also avoids the pain of installing the drivers cos nvidia actually provides a cuda docker image) :D
I mean, some games do not work. Because they do not work on Windows as well. Looking at you, ksp 2 🤦♂️
It's such a shame about KSP 2. I was so hyped when I saw it was announced, then it all turned to shiz.
Haven't run into a game yet that doesn't run on Windows.
Without the need to fiddle with any settings. It is all just click and play.
Same experience on Linux for me. Install Steam, install Proton, set it to be default for all games. Click and play. 🙂👍 Not really "fiddling". It's a one-time thing that I equate to just installing Steam. Very good experience.
This seems dated. I'm not saying there is no issues but man has it improved so much.
Improved =/= working 100% of the time
Meh i had to restart overwatch a few times because it has a bug where sometimes miving my mouse in any way causes me to look up and spin counter clockwise at an insane speed... So yeah theres that
It has but for multiplayer games and especially a game you never launched before there can be some friction.
It's different for different people. The distro, the hardware, and the game can all have an effect on how often problems arise.
"ah shucks, Windows Update just initiated a reboot without asking, guess I'm out for the night guys"
I hate Windows, but this has never happened neither to me nor my friends. (Granted I only have like 3 friends who use it regularly)
I had Windows 10 do it once over however many years i was using it (was a fairly early adopter), and Windows 11 has never done it.
Anyone who can easily use Linux can just make Windows not do that kind of shit, and not auto-update, and block the connection from basically all Windows processes.
It happened to me often!
Part of that I'm sure it's the fact that I work nights, but Windows refuses to acknowledge that during my work hours is not an appropriate time to install updates.
Simply stepping away to get a coffee or use the restroom is enough for Windows to decide now is the time to reboot and install updates for an hour or so and you better hope you saved everything before stepping away.
As a matter of fact, one of those instances is the one where the update broke my bitlocker encryption and I lost everything that wasn't backed up. That was my last day using Windows.
I think that only happens when you don't use windows for many months, which might be true for Linux users
This hasnt happened to me since vista days lol
Impossible, I've had Linux users swear to me that gaming on Linux is now perfect and even better than on Windows!
I've had people tell me that they experience better performance running games on Linux through Proton compared to running them natively on Windows. A while back, I decided to try Windows for the first time since 2002 on actual hardware. With TF2, I encountered significantly more crashes & lag compared to running it on my Arch install....
I can echo this. My games do have better performance running on pop_os rather than Windows.
It usually goes like this:
This seems to be the Windows/Linux yinyang in gaming.
If you go through the effort (or non-effort. It really seems to be luck-based) of getting a gaming rig working in linux, 99% of the time it is simply better at everything, crashes less, etc. The 1% can require hours or more of troubleshooting.
Windows runs slower and worse than linux, and arguably less stable. But you boot up, click play, and (largely) it just plays.
That's also my recent experience with Ubuntu on a gaming laptop. Every single step of the way gives me trouble, but when I manage to run something in the linux side, boy does it run well. So I've got this nice "todo" since I already blew my only free day on it last weekend.
If you're getting crashes and lag on TF2, that's your pc. Do you have to hand crank it or something?
I have actually only had one singular issue with gaming in the last year (time frame. Not 2024) and that is fixed by restarting the game
Its not perfect, but its really damn good.
Just takes a little patience and research, mostly to find out if the type of games you generally play use invasive anticheat/drm or not, since those are the most likely to not run.
but I wont say protons perfect. I've had a few games with issues, some big, some small.. All usually get fixed with time, though, and now those games run great.
But in the interest of laying it all bare, I will say the 1 enduring issue I have is how janky it is to get Vortex to work for modding games, specifically Skyrim and Fallout 4.. but thats less a proton/linux issue, as it is a Vortex issue. Big strides would be made with a linux version, but Vortex is just jank in general, even on windows.
And To be clear, I say its jank. Not impossible. I modded the shit out of my Fallout 4 install just last night. but to do it I have to launch the game with STL, use that to launch vortex, the use vortex to launch F4SE.
Everyone in the comments: "Actually I don't have the same problems so this is wrong"
That's because Steam/Proton has mostly solved this (with some qualified notorious exceptions), which used to be a real problem even just a few years ago, but not remotely as much these days; the meme is mostly outdated by now, I've lived both cases and it used to be a pain but these days? people are spoiled by Valve and many have never lived the OP situation (which is great news!)
I love Linux, but I never expect it to be mainstream or even extremely accessible to typical users. In fact, if it made it to mainstream, it'd probably get ruined somehow by corporate interference, monetization, etc. How you may ask? Well, corporations have a lot of money and influence and I'm sure they could "find a way" if motivated to do so.
I love Linux, but I never expect it to be mainstream or even extremely accessible to typical users
It already is mainstream. You probably own 10 times as many computers running Linux than Windows without even knowing it.
Desktop computers are a just a tiny part of the market.
it'd probably get ruined somehow by corporate interference, monetization, etc.
Yeah, it did. It’s called Android.
It's always best to try it well ahead of time even if it's just for having that shader cache setup and ready to go.
Also trying to get trainers to run is a bit of a nightmare. I use steamtinkerlauncher for that and it's hit or miss I'd say.
Is this true anymore with Steams Version of Linux? For the most part shit runs fine on my steam deck
That used to be true a few years ago, but now games just works without any tinkering from my experience. Except some online games due to kernel level anti cheats (like Fortnite and Valorant), but I prefer single player games anyway
Shit’s exactly the same, especially with Gamescope
Meh. I definitely had issues getting bg3 working well on Linux.
Eventually I switched to windows and it was a nightmare of different and worse issues.
Back to Linux, found a fix. Sweet.
Yeah give me a minute to install and setup proprietary Nvidia drivers, Retroarch, PCSX2, Lutris, Steam and Wine-staging along with all of the necessary dependencies. Worth it tho
Me playing wow on lutris and it crashing the one time a week as we start a raid boss.
Never had an issue playing classic for a year
I had for a while. Turns out it was just my overclocking thst was stable on windows but became unstable on linux when gaming
The only things I can't play on linux are games with heavy kernel-injected anti-cheats and racing games (AC and BNG). Everything else "just works". Hell, I even managed to get Overcooked's cross-platform version to work.
If by AC you mean Assetto Corsa, it works, you just have to follow a guide (it's easy, you have to remove the Proton data for the game from Steam, then install the older Proton version, run the game with this older version until it crashes, then switch to new version of Proton and run it again. It will install required dependencies and will run fine, even my old G25 steering wheel worked without problems)
There's no shame in dual booting. Moving all your non-gaming stuff away from windows is a big step in the right direction.
I'm going to say that there is a huge shame to use dual boot so I can feel superior for using only linux for over 2 years now. Jk
I installed KDE Neon on Friday evening and things were going great, everything was testing well, and Saturday game night with the gang went flawlessly, but this morning the VMWare Horizon Linux client spontaneously decided that it didn't want to accept mouse input anymore, so after ten minutes of troubleshooting I gave up and booted back into Windows so that I can be productive today.
A battle lost, but the war is not over yet.
this is exactly me every time i'm showing someone how easy it is nowadays to run games in linux, only for the game that was running perfectly the previous night to throw some random error and crash my system
Wish I could play games on Linux, but for some fucking reason I can't figure out my gaming laptop with Nvidia 1660ti will not work properly with most games. If I ever can afford a new computer I'm probably going with AMD instead tbh.
What's the output of nvidia-smi
? If it's a newer laptop you might need to add a machine owner key so that secureboot will allow the required dynamic kernel modules to load. In debian the module will be signed with the dkms
signing key, adding it as a MOK is fairly simple.
*Try disabling secureboot first, if things start working re-enable it and follow the advice above.
what distro are you using? I never had any issues on my nvidia build with nobara
Optimus? Because Optimus is an absolute bastard. It's improved and I've had some luck, but it's painful.
If your game run terribly on Wayland, try running in on X11, and vice-versa.
Is it really 5 minutes? Usually I ask for 2 hours and then spend 2 days on it and by that time there is a new game my friends found
This is the thing which keeps me from switching entirely to Linux. A friend of mine needs twice the amount of Time to start his Games (which is something I would have no Problem with) and what makes it not worth switching imo is that he loses the sound from Discord when he plays. He needs to restart DC then. And no one knows why ._.
Is he using PipeWire or PulseAudio? I solved my audio problems by installing PipeWire.
I don't know I will sent him this :D
Okay, he did both but nothing helped. But thanks :)
My bet would be wine grabbing the audio device and not using Pipe wire/PulseAudio. It happened to me once, I believe I solved it by recompiling something (PipeWire, wine or the gst plugins). I would recommend trying to run Discord and the game in terminal, it might show some error to help with troubleshooting.
I will happily forward this to him :D maybe it helps.
One of my friends and I end up troubleshooting for an hour before we can actually start playing games. Every single time. Linux just doesn't want us to play games together, I guess.
Windows virtual machine as a backup if needed 👍
i thought this was about game development for a second and was confused as to why you wouldn't be able to do that on linux
Is the joke that games are proprietary software too?
That and the software the hardware uses itself is proprietary
Well that too. The real joke is that despite the fact we've had 10 "years of the linux desktop", it's still an absolute bitch to get PICK A GAME working on that shiny linux box.
My new Lenovo Legion, I'm struggling with desktop graphics tearing issues in linux (just viewing the WM, of all things). When i have time, I'll muddle through it, but I can't pretend that is easier in linux than windows. It's vendor-driven, sure, but the end user doesn't care why they waste 8 hours doing setup work, only THAT they do.
Plus their computer is probably still running proprietary firmware
Steam with Proton made this way more easier than in the past. OTOH, yeah, sometimes I feel like this when tuning CS2 on Wayland.
biggest ongoing issue i've had is getting Vortex working for Bethesda games.
but I just found a linux installer for Mo2, and while I dont like having to launch Mo2 to launch my modded game.. its fucking ecstasy island compared to the horrific jank of dealing with Vortex.
Vortex worked fine with my (pirated) copy of Starfield near launch. I think I launched it externally, not through Vortex though. I know CKAN for KSP2 works fine but fails to launch the game, at least for me. It also requires forcing an override on a DLL to get most mods to function, but it's not much of a hassle.
Same thing for me on Windows. Technology is just angering.
Now you mention it, I have spend so many hours on Windows trying to get the damn game to work. Trying to hide run Windows games on Linux, if it doesn't work immedietly and I can't find easy tweaks to fix it then I just assume it doesn't work on Linux. But when a Windows game doesn't work on Windows, I will spent hours making it work because I know it should!
it's as easy as windows nowadays
I always hear people say they sometimes have issues with games but I've switched to Linux relatively recently and I still haven't had a game in my library that didn't play.
Ever since Valve started kicking it for Wine/Proton, gaming has been a cinch.
me, trying to setup Skyrim mods to play Skyrim CO-OP with friends and constantly failing to setup a mod manager:
SteamTinkerLaunch works like a fucking charm for me(I only use Vortex)
Yeah I used it as well, but I was missing a couple of dependencies and realized that I have to move the loadorder files around in order for mods to be loaded. Was pretty annoying but it worked in the end.
You guys can get them to actually work???? Im counting myself lucky if the majority of games I try even start to begin with.
Its a distro agnostic problem too so I cant even jump to somewhere else to mitigate it.
What games are you trying? Off the top of my head, I've played monster hunter world, hunt showdown, cyberpunk 2077, baldur's gate 3, norman reedus and the funky fetus, elden ring, deep rock galactic, doom (the new ones), apex, the dark souls games, warframe, and a few more over the years.
Im mostly emulating now cause of how bad it is but out if the top if my head.
C2077 ran like a slog at best, if it even started, so I never bothered again.
Warcraft 3 doesnt work.
Anno 1404 worked once than never again.
Plenty of indie games never start.
Protondb is pretty useless to me personally , none of their tweaks ever worked for anno 1404.
Anyone playing Outer Worlds, the Spacers Choice Edition? Suuuper annoying issues, I might actually install it on Windows instead
Flawless on Windows, general performance seems to be a tad better, too.
Which is great to see, because that means it's not the game itself, and that maybe Wine/Proton will be able to fix these issues
It's just metacommentary on the illusion of choice from corporations. Stay the course comrade
you sure it's not just the Spacers Choise edition? AFAIK that version of the game is (or at least was? I dunno) pretty broken on all platforms.
Well, yes. Which is why I mentioned the Spacers Choice edition.
It doesn't seem to have the same specific issues on Windows though, apart from generally performng worse than anyone would expect it to.
So I reckon I'll just try and see for myself if that's true. Because the problems many Linux users (me included) seem to have according to ProtonDB make the game borderline unplayable.
Sometimes not even borderline.
You've just got to power through the glitched textures and invisible floors, and talking to a floating pair of eyeballs and teeth is just the Mars Attacks version of your game.
I thought that was just Ubisoft quality control. :D
Battlebit Remastered T_T
Aren't we all tired of this meme by now? Especially in this new age of Steam deck?
Seems a bit like trolling at this point.
Anti cheat is the biggest obstacle now, can't overcome that and if you and your friends enjoy playing together on a game that doesn't support it then you're SoL. Unfortunately only 75% or so of the games my friend group plays are compatible.
Anti cheat is the biggest obstacle now, can’t overcome that and if you and your friends enjoy playing together on a game that doesn’t support it then you’re SoL.
The EAS anti-cheat is on Linux now too, so the small minority of games that require anti-cheat tech on Linux is getting even smaller; it's heading in the right direction.
But my point is more towards the fact that we're trying to apply memes to cover 100% of something when it's really covering 1% of something.
It gets tiring/trolling after a while, especially with it's repetitiveness.
Yes the steamdeck is phenomenal, but it is not perfect.
Noone said it was. But presenting the 1% (Linux gaming doesn't work) as 100% is not factual, its anecdotal.
And the meme leans into the 100%, which is tiresome to see over and over again, like if some company is desperate to try and sway/shape a narrative, instead of just people sharing humorous/insightful memes.
Hits me right in the kokoro, this is so relatable
sudo apt-get friends to play games with
Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package friends E: Unable to locate package to E: Unable to locate package play E: Unable to locate package games E: Unable to locate package with
Off topic... But isn't apt-get outdated? I thought it was just "apt install"
If you're a user interacting with a terminal => apt
If you're writing a script or putting it in a docker file/automation => apt-get
Apt is just a wrapper around apt-get a newer binary than apt-get (I stand corrected after checking my memory against google) and there are warnings that the apt shorthand is not as reliable in scripted scenarios. Its meant for user convenience.
Apt-get is most certainly not outdated.
I like to imagine someone saying the top part out right before they start a round of a game then immediately transition to the bottom.
From my experience running windows game inside wine, it's run but doesn't run smoothly like i running in windows
I don't know if i missing something at installation process, i've been trying install it with bottles same thing happened
But good news now is i can find some games at gog that running on linux natively
Use Debian or anything stable.
Then enjoy not having your games work until you get the required updates years later
lol, no
anything stable
RHEL it is
It's crazy how much better things are now. I had the same reaction some weeks ago when I wanted to play Leathal Company with friends and remembered I'm on Linux while they all used some 3rd party Windows only mod manager. One day later I found r2modman in the AUR which automatically recognized Steam + Proton and everything just ran. And there is even a Titanfall 2 cross platform mod program!!!! The sofware support just keeps getting better every day.
uses Linux
wants to run proprietary Windows Games on it
I don't need to adhere to the FOSS philosophy in the extreme to be allowed to use Linux
Thats not the point. You buy Games by Developers with limited resources. They dont care about FOSS you could say, in many cases. So you are unsupported.
Linux runs Linux Apps, its Essence is that it is a free OS, that you can trust.
Running proprietary stuff made for other Platforms is interesting but a Battle. It makes no sense you could say.
It makes Sense for Valve, as they save themselves Billions in Windows Licenses and they can make a tailored device. And they sell Games.
For you, paying for Games and then working to make them run, I dont know.
Not that I dont like the idea, but its the job of Developers to make the Games run.
Still a couple deal breakers for me, though most stuff otherwise runs fine. No HDR support. Sucks if you have a great monitor but can't use it. No nvidia broadcast. Necessary for my mic+speaker setup, common alternative such as noisetorch are convenient, but don't even come close to echo filtering quality from the speakers. Yes, that's super subjective obviously. Performance tends to be noticeably to only slightly worse on max settings with nvidia on highly specialized, very demanding games. Some anti cheat tools struggle with compatibility modes.
We're getting there, but it's tough with nvidia not caring. :/
We’re getting there, but it’s tough with nvidia not caring. :/
That's the biggest issue and unfortunately there's not much that can be done about that except maybe Linux users swearing off of NVIDIA.
Why would anyone using FOSS stuff like Linux even want shitty corporate games anyway?
Then there's Lin-ux, or Line-ux, I don't know how you say it,
or how you install it, or use it, or play it,
or how you download it, or what programs run,
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
but Lin-ux, or Line-ux, don't look like much fun.
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