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Chromebooks Are Awesome

From a ux and freedom standpoint they aren’t great, but since they only have a browser they forced colleges to support computers with only chrome.

Because of this, I can do online college completely from my Nobara machine! I thought I would have to reinstall windows, but everything just works!

  • Would be even better if colleges supported web standards in general, instead of just Chrome...

  • First of all - I'm happy for you that the existence of browser based applications benefits you this greatly!

    I just wanna explain to you why your post has so many downvotes, just that you know.

    While ChromeOS is based on Linux (the kernel), many many other devices like smart fridges do too. And you wouldn't consider them as Linux.
    It's the same with Chromebooks. Most of their software you use on them is proprietary and in hands of Google, a company that shits on you. They want to take away many of our freedoms we enjoy, including web standards as example, and force everyone onto their monopolies (Search, YouTube, Chrome/ Chromium based browsers, etc.).

    We, "The Linux Users", on the other hand, want everything to be open and oppose this.

    I wouldn't quite say that Google is "evil" (even though they removed the slogan), their motives and actions are still immoral and wrong in my opinion.
    You could say that this is just a feature of late stage capitalism, but that would be another can of worms to open.

    We don't hate Chromebooks, we hate Google and their ideology.

    And you saying "I can use every OS I want, Google is great!" is just kind of ironic knowing that. It's like the analogy of the frog being boiled in warmer and warmer getting water, without being aware of that.