Une société des communs (Le Devoir)
Une société des communs (Le Devoir)

Entre le «tout-à-l’État» et le «tout-au-marché», il y a un modèle à inventer pour partager et décider ensemble.

[Google translate]
In the face of current systemic crises – climate crisis, housing crisis , rising food prices, health system crisis, depletion of natural resources, public transport failures, algorithmic capitalism, etc. — recourse to the market leads us to a dead end. But the welfare state does not seem able to manage the ambient disturbances either. Faced with this dilemma, how will we feed ourselves, house ourselves, take care of ourselves, move around?
We must explore new avenues and create new collective imaginations. Above all, we must support the effervescence of citizen initiatives and struggles that are multiplying in Quebec and around the world. How can we transform our institutions to recognize the right of communities to organize themselves to meet pressing social needs?