TIL for American food labeling, 1 fl oz=30 ml EXACTLY, and the related units cup=240ml, teaspoon=5ml, tablespoon=15ml, are also perfectly round numbers in metric. "Weight" ounces, though, are exac...
TIL for American food labeling, 1 fl oz=30 ml EXACTLY, and the related units cup=240ml, teaspoon=5ml, tablespoon=15ml, are also perfectly round numbers in metric. "Weight" ounces, though, are exac...
www.fda.gov Guidance on Determining Metric Equivalents of Household Measures
The purpose of these guidelines is to assist manufacturers in determining the metric equivalent declarations of the common household measures that are declared on food labels.
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The original was posted on /r/todayilearned by /u/santropedro on 2024-01-18 11:56:55+00:00.
Original Title: TIL for American food labeling, 1 fl oz=30 ml EXACTLY, and the related units cup=240ml, teaspoon=5ml, tablespoon=15ml, are also perfectly round numbers in metric. "Weight" ounces, though, are exactly 28g.