You have a magic pill, which de-ages you by 20 years. You can take it once in your life only, so long as you are at least 20. What age — past, current or future — do you reckon is best to take it?
My man, those "pills" are coming and they won't be unique usage (like some Genie provides them).
But they wont be as blunt either, it will be rejuvenation of your retina, kidneys, liver, skin (that doesn't mean you'll look younger), back muscles, heart, etcetera.
If you have cancer type 352 and we got a "pill" to treat it (a treatment, with a high probability to fix it) will you take it and extend your life by 20 years?
We're in a biotech revolution, not in a Santa Claus situation.
Check out D&Q the first senessent cell clearance treatment, it's not that expensive.
Also, governments (except the USA it seems) will help getting everybody in good health, the economic benefits are enormous.
I'm so tired with this nonsense that only the rich will be getting it, it's not true. Check out all other treatments, who are for the ultra rich only?
If you can reverse aging, will you only sell it to a bunch of billionaires, or to billions of people? Of course you'll earn more money selling it to basically every human being on the planet.