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  • Not nearly enough "People's Republic of ___" for my liking. Also, why isn't Switzerland destroyed!?

    • FWIW, the country labels don't include anything other than the main name- eg. China/Russia/Vietnam/Korea/etc. East Germany and Transnistria-Odessa in particular were made with blatant communism in mind (the rest were less about it- not that it wasn't possible- and more about doing a Euro-screw)

  • Hoi4 gamer understanding of geopolitics lookin ass map

    • If the geopolitics for most of these states seem terrible- that's the point lmao

      The goal among various things, is to make western Europe never rise again as an imperialist bloc, with it being an eyesore on a map and its borders having some plausible logic (to keeping states from either imploding or reunifying... well, there are a lot of UN mandates)

  • Weird Yugoslavia not including most of actual Yugoslavia.

    Based to remember Sorbia

    Galicia-Volhynia is not the best term to refer to the most of eastern Europe.

    What about Switzerland?

  • Don't we shit on libs for doing stuff like this?

    Alt history and speculative near future stuff can be fun and illuminating, if done well.

    But this is giving "libs making balkanized China maps" cringe energy.

    • I thought this was riffing off of that phenomenon

      • We're in a state of post-sarcasm here tbh. Far be it from me to ever back away from a good thing (balkanized Europe, imperialist countries being turned into puny statelets)

    • We do shit on libs for doing stuff like this- I shit on them specifically, myself.

      Difference between libs' maps and this though IMO is- for one, I think mine is hilarious, and had fun making it. But also, I'm not going about trying to fund or instigate separatists like this (though I won't lie- if I had the means to both do so, and have no repercussions- I meet neither requirement- I totally would), and certainly not/never terrorists and extremists the likes of which the west always does.

      Dunno to what extent it's cringe in that context. Probably some, but I don't have much or any personal investment in these maps. I'd love to see half of it IRL, but there's no expectation unlike libs thinking they're going to carve up China, Russia, or (insert country here) "when they collapse, any day now..."

      ...also- while the borders tend to have some minor ethnic or historical context (not always) more than anything else, it's intended as a Euro-screw. And I'll never back down from such Euro-screws; at least I'm honest in that regard. The borders are less about "promoting democracy and equality by having a shit-ton of ethno-statelets and separatists" and more "let's screw England/France/Italy/west Germany to such an extent they will never wield the same influence again that they presently do." Which if you ask me, for shitposting borders on a map- or even IRL to a considerable extent- can only be a good thing.

    • Wanting to disempower nazis = based

      Wanting to disempower socialists = cringe


  • Why doesn't the UAR include all Arab countries?

    • The map was made with "drawing borders on the present (2023) world" in mind, admittedly. So I simply didn't think to include them for similar reasons to why I didn't include all of former Yugoslavia, or remade the Soviet Union... Egypt and the Gulf presumably would need a lot of time to settle into the idea (Jordan, Lebanon, and Kuwait would too, but it "works")

  • All borders are bourgeoisie, death to all states

    • Socialism must be secure before communism can be realized. Which will mean not only ensuring the entire world is developed, everyone has superabundance, all major deadly conflicts are largely resolved and interracial, interethic, and international grievances are healed, and the lingering ideologies spawned from America's international brainwashing operations have been excised, but then we will have to deal with our first major related challenge as a unified species: climate change.

      I mean, nothing will suddenly switch overnight, as the world becomes more socialist or even more internationally interested in peace and cooperation, borders will become more porous. Death of US empire alone will see to this beginning.

      Calling borders "bourgeoisie" comes off to me a little weird.

      • I mean I wasn't being entirely serious. But of course, the end state of communism is the absence of nation-states.

  • Oh god, you hate to see libertarian (fascist) Free Cities in there.

    Simply return continental Europe to the Vicky 3 map with all countries released.

    • Who says they have to be libertarian? It would be better yet to have them as UN mandates, but specifically "international cities" that can get flooded with immigrants from the global south.

  • Why on earth does Holland gain territory? Colonial bastards should be balkanized themselves.

    • I figure they're small enough as-is... but more than that, specifically it's the logic of passing little bits of Germany (or Croatia, as another example on the map) to get as many nations invested in stomping out German revanchism wherever it pops up.

      Giving the region to the Netherlands also isn't without cultural or historical precedent, which makes it better yet still.

  • Tsh. Nearly the whole continent needs "undergoing denazification" subtitles. 😅Otherwise amazing!!