Planet X
Planet X
Planet X
But would he play as Picard or Professor in the movie?
Why not both?
It's a Riker adventure
Professor Jean Charles Xicard
I was just going to quote this. My favorite cross-over moment! So fun!
I won a copy of this book in a little contest at a tabletop convention. Gave it to my dad who said it was surprisingly good (for the material)
This is REAL? Where can I get one?
They also made a tos/xmen one shot comic.
Well that's surprising, because the original one was crapola.
Formerly known as Twitter-Men.
I had this book as a kid and remember it being better than expected.
The values of both line up incredibly well. I haven't read this, but the potential for something that is great for minorities of all types is incredibly valuable. However, being this style of crossover, it will be fine at best.