General Sir Richard Sherriff tells Sky News that even if Russia is defeated in the war against Ukraine, it is going to remain determined to rebuild another empire, subjugate Ukraine, and then move on to other ex-Soviet countries, like NATO members. That could mean war with Russia.
No volunteer army will ever be able to fight a war with Moscow. We don't need conscription now, but we need to be aware that we might need in 5-15 years time and be prepared.
No volunteer army will ever be able to fight a war with Moscow.
Bullshit. Russia's military is stretched thin and its economy in tatters to the point that it won't recover in decades "just" from fighting Ukraine+a shitload of material assistance and sanctions from the West.
If it ever comes to direct war between Russia and the West, especially if that's during the next few decades, the current forces of the West will absolutely annihilate Russia WITHOUT having to force the unwilling to kill and get killed.
Unless of course Putin snaps and uses nuclear weapons, in which case there won't be people alive to conscript.