The game is still twelve days away
The game is still twelve days away
They are losing their fucking minds.
The game is still twelve days away
They are losing their fucking minds.
I mean, the most manly and masculine thing you can do is exclusively have sex with big, masculine, manly men, right? Having sex with a woman is so emasculating, because you’re enjoying someone’s femininity, and that’s the worst possible thing for a man, so I’ve been told. Therefore, it’s super gay to have sex with women. Be a real man and exclusively have sex with your manly bros.
I’ve heard a stand up routine that was basically this and I’ve been trying to find it again ever since. I find this concept hilarious.
Steve Hughes
Steve Hughes:
That was actually the ideology of an famous German Nazi from the 80s: Michael Kühnen (German source)
Bonus: he was part of the FAP.
It’s true. The most alpha thing a dude can do if fuckin doing another dude.
Even better if the other dude is a lion.
This sounds like the logic of a philosopher living in a city state in old timey Greece
I can't be the only one who thinks conservatives' constant whining about women being "too old to marry" is (for lack of a better term) really pedo coded, right? It's starting to sound like pattern...
Coded? Can this get more blatend what the actual fuck. This is worse then grab em by the pussy
“ The Wyoming Republican Party circulated an email that included an argument from lobbyists that since minors could get pregnant “marriage MUST remain open to them for the sake of those children.”
Who the fuck ars these lobbiest? Epstein?
The "successful man" is also great. 99.9% of the ones that say this are losers.
“Middle aged woman” fucking lol
Average lifespan is 77 for women, she’s not far off.
Also I’m middle aged, I’ve never thought of that. I need to go have my midlife crisis now.
"Middle age" has never been about being exactly 50% of the way through the average life span. It's much less about "how much time you have left" and more about the point where you can't realistically think of yourself as young anymore. The effects of age become impossible to ignore, compounding, and increasingly obvious.
It's basically just your 40s-60s. Not the exact midpoint.
in their neolithic world she should be a grandma by 34
I think we've done it, we've finally hit "It's gay to have sex with a woman".
I think we reached that point a while ago.
The insanity of these statements has escalated pretty rapidly and honestly, none of it surprises me anymore. Everything you do is now gay.
I'm ok with it. If you want to think I'm gay because (insert literally anything here), then fine, I guess I'm gay. I'll go have gay sex with my very female (with female anatomy and two x chromosomes) wife, and live my happily gay life in peace, thanks.
Being gay, or being called gay, isn't an insult to me. Only juveniles would find it insulting. You know why? Because juveniles think that being different is bad. I grew up and realized that everyone is different and it's because of that difference that we, as a species, can survive. Our differences make us strong. So bluntly, call me weird, call me a freak, call me whatever the hell you want, because all you're saying is that I'm different, and different makes us stronger. I'm proud to be different than my neighbors and coworkers. I think differently than they do. I approach problems differently, I find solutions differently. That's a good thing.
I'm not always right, and I'm not always the most efficient, and that is because of the differences between me and others. I celebrate that difference and you should too.
Idk if you ever saw or remember The Sopranos. It started late 90s and one of the storylines was about one of the older guys liked going down on the woman he was seeing. Well word got out to the other guys that were part of the family and said it was gay to go down on a woman.
Me and my wife just busted out laughing. Like people really think this? The answer is yes. People think this and are idiots. Pleasing a woman in bed is gay apparently. The older guy ended up breaking up with the woman he liked because he was getting clowned on by the other members of the family.
It is if you're also a woman
Next make straight sex mean "straight up the butt"
I got curious and looked in to who this guy was. And, well, Owen got banned from most socials after he called Obama the n-word, so OF COURSE Elon had to bring him back so he further share his thought with the world.
I never understood banning people for speech you don't like. Wouldn't the logical and entertaining method be to put them on full display, letting themselves be mocked and ridiculed? My take is let the asshats spew their views so we all know who not to associate with.
I never understood banning people for speech you don’t like.
I never understood banning people for speech you don’t like.
spam is extremely powerful, and is what I would qualify most internet "speech" as being, realistically. seeing 200 different 500 character (at max) comments, that are all variations of the same exact statement isn't really like, speech, in the conventional sense.
That may work for normal people. Not so much for those unhinged enough to actually hate someone who has different characteristics than them. Unfortunately Twitter is filled with the unhinged.
Who would be attracted to this billionaire sex symbol, who's one of the most successful performers on the planet? Madness, I tell you.
Only a gay man, that's who!
As an actual middle-aged woman who can't even name one Taylor Swift song, give me a giant fucking break. She's rich, famous, appears to have a good head on her shoulders (from what I hear at least), and makes music people really love. This sexist troglodyte is just butthurt that she dares to exist and be successful without his permission, plus he probably wants to bang her. He can fuck right off.
She's got a good head on her shoulders in two ways
Taylor swift is also hot
Could be good head too. Good head knows no boundaries.
I don't even listen to Taylor Swift but if she wants to have sex with me, I'd be like, 'ok mommy'.
I'd also wonder wtf is wrong with her
I mean, she could be with a professional athlete instead!
I just want a dinner date so I can ask what demon pact she signed to get her PR team.
I'm nowhere near her target demographic, yet somehow, I wind up knowing about every album drop, high profile concert happening, and so on. I'm actively blocking and avoiding advertising on everything and they still find me. It's honestly a little concerning.
Yep, the only point of being male is spreading that seed. Have to raise the next generation of bootlickers to keep that machine rolling!
/s obviously
Fuck these clowns
This man speaks like ferengi Andrew Tate
A Ferengi would almost certainly be offended that she's allowed to wear clothes. I suppose most straight dudes would too. Maybe that guy is gay.
You can just say "Andrew Tate"...
Why do you insult ferengi
s/woman/female hooman/g
This is my new favorite rare insult, cheers!
You, sir, are a poet of our time, with your cutting remarks. I love that so much!
Way better than those filthy Vogons.
Its actually something my friend came up with lol, I'll forward your complements!
Isn't that just Andrew Tate?
Calling Taylor Swift a low value woman...
and don't forget "middle aged"...
They don't have a mirror at home.
Yeah! Maybe they’re the low value women!
I mean she's only worth $1.1 billion.
Chump change.
Okay yeah, she's in the tres commas club, but she's also dated men, and dating women who have dated men is gay by the transitive property.
That's six billion Trumps!
Need to bring out this classic:
I bet Owen Benjamin would suck Trumps cock without even needing to be asked twice.
"That's not gay, it's patriotic. Our commander-in-chief is tirelessly fighting the LGBT woke groomer leftist virus and if he needs a warm mouth to help him focus, it's the duty of red blooded Americans to provide one"
You can't squirm out of anything when you're not worried about being honest.
He'd argue that it isn't gay to suck trumps dick
Probably doesn’t even have to be asked once
Owen Benjamin would bend over backwards to please Trump, then call you a cuck for hooking up with the Prom Queen.
"she's publicly had sex with a ton of guys"
And here I thought all those recent sex tapes were AI
Taylor Swift and I may be the same age, but when did 34 become middle aged? Or has the American lifespan decreased so much that I should expect to die at age 68?
Honestly, I don't like it either. But it does make sense. Some health risk factors change drastically between 30 and 40 (e.g. heart disease, colon cancer), suggesting a kind of dividing line between "my body just does what it's supposed to" and "what, I have to do extra stuff to survive now?!" A lot of people also change rapidly in physical appearance during this time too, exhibiting profound male pattern baldness, love handles, belly fat, winkles, etc.
30s have always been middle aged lol. It's not even the start of middle aged.
0-25. 26-50. 51-75.
Most Americans be dying at 75.
Taylor Swift has publically had sex with a ton of guys?
Gee you'd think that would be more scandalous news than "may be attending the super bowl, schedule pending"
According to Cosmo she has dated like 12 guys in 16 years.
The average weight of an adult male in the US is 90kg, but Kelce weighs 113kg, so statistically she's probably dated a bit over a metric ton of guys.
He might be right - my boyfriend is gay and he would probably leave me for Taylor Swift.
I'm a man dating a 37yo woman, guess I'm gay now
Have you tried saying "You look so beautiful tonight (no homo!)" to her?
I'm married to a 39 year old woman. That makes me like double gay.
My wife turns 44 in a week, and we only have one kid; oh honey I’m just 🎶flaaaaamiiiiiing🎶
I'm 40 dating a 37 year old. I must be a gay pedo?
Legit question: is that a troll account or a guy legitimately posing the dumbest theory posted in, at least, the last 12 hours?
"Owen Benjamin Kares Troy-Smith (born May 24, 1980), known professionally as Owen Benjamin, is an American white supremacist,[1] Holocaust denier,[2] conspiracy theorist,[3] internet personality, as well as a far-right and alt-right Neo-Nazi.[4]"
But the bluesky account is dunking on Owen.
34 is middle aged
I need to lie down
Edit: even weirder whomever that guy she is dating is; he is also 34
Let's consult the checklist:
✅ Confused at the notion that a woman might have worth outside bearing children
✅ Shaming a woman for having more than one sexual partner in a lifetime
✅ Referring to the man as "successful" while referring to the much more rich and famous woman as "low value"
✅ Straight up homophobia
Yep, that there's a bonafide incel.
On behalf of Owens everywhere, do us a favor and get out of our name. I hear Donald is lovely this time of year.
They are celibate voluntarily because of the shooting behavior. They don't deserve to name themselves.
35, “middle age”
Jesus fucking Christ these sick fucks truly believe a woman’s value is at its end by 60
Judging by that comment, it's at its end by 30.
Also "MIGHT be able to have two kids?" How many kids is enough?
We stopped at one and that's plenty.
To be fair, 35 is middle aged in my economic class. Just not hers.
That's being insanely generous.
He made it completely clear what he values in women -- a sex-free past and the ability to pop out a full squad of Hitler Youth.
What a catch.
Life expectancy is around 80, so it's close.
This sounds like the logic of a pedophile.
Conservative ideology and pedophilic undertones often go hand in hand.
Sounds like somebody is mad that nobody wants to have sex with them because they are a horrible fucking piece of shit. Boo-fucking-hoo.
Why is no one asking why the most successful entertainer in the world right now is dating a middle aged football player whos success measured in US dollars is 1/30th of hers? By just watching his games she's made KC multiple times more than his entire net worth. Also, didn't he go on a reality dating show in front of the whole world to see? He's not high quality. She could go on to sell out literal football stadiums for years to come and he's already past the average age of retirement in the NFL. She must be gay. /S
Is marrying somebody whose US dollars are only 1/30th of yours even legal in this country? (also /s)
Travis and Taylor are clearly out of each other's leagues and they should both stay single for the rest of their lives. not wealthy enough. too wealthy. too old and washed up. They did this to themselves. /s
Public sex you say? 😏
That's disgusting! On what site is the video you said?
...asking so my friend can avoid going there.
If being willing to go out with Taylor Swift makes you gay then the gay population has just increased by an incredible amount!
I'm going to guess Owen lives with his mother and has a collection of anime dolls.
Probably loli's too, cause they're "most fertile"
I hate that this is the way I know the Superb Owl is coming and not creative soda displays at the grocery store
I saulte you, you brave and harrowed stockers!
Pegging isn't gay.
These guys would probably have better attitudes if they got pegged on the regular.
Clearly jealous that football man is with hot famous chick, and malding that she's ostensibly not a conservative. INCEL MODE ENGAGED.
I almost wish she'd come out as Republican just to watch the internet melt down with all the furious backpedaling from the right.
Vaccines + the 5G's has done more damage than we thought possible!
It's the brain worms! Now that internet fad of chugging horse dewormer makes sense!
I think Covid did damage a lot of people's brains
The list of neurocognitive issues that Meropol’s team and other researchers must track is extensive: cognitive decline, changes in brain size and structure, depression and suicidal thinking, tremors, seizures, memory loss, and new or worsened dementia have all been linked to previous SARS-CoV-2 infections. In some cases, these longer-term problems occur even in patients with relatively mild COVID-19.
I wonder what is more disgusting to her. This fascist shit or the AI porn?
Hopefully the fascists... the AI porn is just a sexual fantasy she would never control people imagining anyway.
I wonder if the right wing conspiracies are skewing the gambling odds on the super bowl? It could be a better investment than the lottery, at least.
Fuck you for making me lose The Game.
A flying squid made me lose the game...
It still amazes me that so many still haven't won the game.
They told you it wasn't possible. They lied.
I have altered the game. Pray I don't alter it again.
i was never playing
Everyone plays it whether they know it or not.
It's gay not to want kids...
Young women are better off with people their age because there are assholes like this who would exploit them, and maybe leave them as the woman ages.
For additional funsies, note that sperm quality declines with age. People in glass houses etc.
In general, women are free to do as they wish because they’re self-determining beings and their value is not derived from being able to give birth. Same for men, tbh.
Also lol forget about the fact that many young people who have children are not guaranteed biologically fit children because it’s all about chance more or less.
This topic is a shitshow and the world is a poorer place for us having to discuss it!
However, the western world is also a richer, much more equal place than in the past, as a higher percentage of women can live as they want while most people will live and let live, than say a century ago, when the misogyny was internalized and all-pervasive, even institutionalized, along with other mental viruses like racism and homophobia.
What was universally taken for granted then is the opposite of what is taken for granted now.
Nowadays these imbeciles are publicly called out for what they are: imbeciles. And a majority of people are comfortable to freely, publicly agree.
What boggles my mind is how many people who agree, still manage to mentally dismiss these archaic and deformed attitudes of power and privilege that come from one side and one side only of the political spectrum, and insist that bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRitE, turning their backs on Election Day to the party that has struggled to ensure equality and keeps on struggling, against the constant resistance from all those mouth-breathers from the mentally inferior republican side.
Half your age + 7. This was decided awhile ago. I don't make the rules. Thank you, drive through.
When I was 28-30 I did a lot of dating. I went on a few dates with people 22 and under early on. I quickly set my personal age limit to 25, as everybody I went out with younger than that displayed waaaay too many undesirable traits in maturity and lack of life experiences.
This "wisdom", while amusing, just doesn't work. And still puts young people in danger of being groomed by assholes.
Assuming hetero coupling: I don’t know why a 27yo woman would want to be with a 40yo man if we’re strictly talking about biological fitness of offspring. Makes more sense for a 17yo and 20yo, but there are serious diminishing returns for a young woman the older the man gets based on the decline in sperm quality. The chances are that she ensures better offspring by being with someone in her age range +/- 3 years.
FYI, this is what men like this person sound like when they evaluate women. I am just doing the same thing back to such a man. If he thinks he’s a prime target for young women, he’s not.
Personally, I think evaluating people simply based on their ability to produce offspring is gross because you’re removing any consideration for them as a person. I feel icky having this conversation. There’s something wrong with conservative culture that makes them evaluate people like cattle.
The best part about that is your range gets bigger and bigger the older you get. So if you want to have sex with someone who was born before you graduated high school, just wait until you're 50.
Man... Years ago, I started doing a bit with my friends where I joked that having sex with women was super gay and the only way to protect your manhood was to get off by swordfighting other men. Now these lunatics have gone so far into the deep end that they're doing my bit unironically! I think someone needs to recalibrate the simulation because something is broken.
Are we talking steel swords or penis swords? Because steel swords will be super gay
What about iron swords, bronze swords, or sticks with rocks tied to the end? Asking for a friend.
I'm waiting for the NFL to be cancelled for being Woke. It's going to be great making the NFL .... Rainbow.
They tried cancelling the NFL already. Remember the whole kneeling during the anthem thing? All those people who supposedly stopped watching the NFL are clearly either lying or not missed, judging by the ever increasing ratings and ticket prices.
What's up with the "has publicly had sex with tons of guys" part? Did she get gangbanged on live TV or something?
Gangnam style
Have you forgotten that like a lot of her early work was like romance and break up songs (until a while ago she was struggling to escape being known for just that), she's just had a lot of partners and they have or had their previous partners talk about the sex life.
She admitted that her songs from her teenage years were about situations she dreamed about but had never experienced before.
and one evening on a red carpet interview the person mentioned to Taylor that there must be some man she was going home with tonight and Taylor looked at her and said "I'm going home to my cats. There is no man."
The songs she has written do not correlate to having sex all day every day with thousands of men.
I haven't forgotten. I just know absolutely nothing about her music.
Women have faced this kind of dross for centuries and it's not like the far-right were going to be progressive about it.
They're happy to give a free pass to barely coherent old white guys though.
plus, you gotta love that this subset of americans thinks the entirety of a woman's worth boils down to whether she can pop out lots of kids. 🙄
Always has been
Having a sugar mommy for your lavender marriage would make sense.... if it were the 90's... in 2024 where being gay is considered perfectly normal even in the redder parts of America? Not so much
The only reason I wouldn't date Taylor Swift is if the relationship goes south, she'll diss me in a world record breaking single that's pure fire just to remind me that we're not getting back together.
You could put "I've got a tripple/quadruple/whatever platinum single dedicated to me" on your dating profile.
Just gotta hit them with ye olde "no u" and get some popcorn lmao
The maga incel cult.
gaylor swift
What is psychological projection Alex?
The right is way more desperate than I imagined.
This is going to be a long bye week.
asking if football players are gay is a pretty gay thing to do
He is a moneysexual.
And this will become a PC game? Or consoles exclusive?
It's a Superb Owl
Ah, okay. I am not so firm with US pop culture.
It’s absolutely gay. How is that bad?
It's okay to say "Super Bowl". The NFL is not going to sue you...