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Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’

Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a "federal employee" and a "traitor." Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father's severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike Mohn, a federal

  • From another source, decapitation aside, this guy does sound severely mentally ill.

    "The video, reviewed by this news organization, includes a manifesto-style rant in which Mohn calls on his followers to take action against federal employees. It is titled “Call to Arms for American Patriots.”

    After holding up what appears to be his father’s severed head, he says he now controls and commands “America’s police and military,” and calls for the execution of federal employees, and puts bounties on the FBI director, the Attorney General and the Chief Supreme Court Justice.

    He rails against the LGBTQ community, the Black Lives Matters and “terrorist organizations such as anti-fa.” He calls for the seizure of federal buildings and says federal employees should be “publicly executed for betraying their country.”

    • This is how stochastic terrorism works. Fox news pumps out a constant stream of crazy shit that they can plausibly say are opinions or entertainment, then vulnerable people who are exposed to it intertwine it with their own delusions and carry out acts of violence. Fox and others keep upping their rhetoric to keep their people hooked, their viewers keep escalating their rhetoric, and their viewers become more and more radicalized. It starts with mentally ill people who've been poisoned by this taking action, and eventually the terrorism gets normalized.

      IMHO, this will continue to happen more regularly until there are red hat mobs going door to door executing everyone with a pride flag or black lives matter sign in their window. The cops will be there to make sure no one resists the mob, just like they did with white riots in the past.

  • Mental illness and right wing conspiratorial fear-mongering, like peas and carrots.

    Mohn is the author of books listed on, including one called “America’s Coming Bloody Revolution,” and another titled “Poems I Wrote While Stoned.” He called for the impeachment of FBI director Christopher Wray last February on his Facebook page. In 2020, he wrote on Facebook, “#Yeezy for Preezy twenty-twenty-feezy! 2024 may be the first year I bother to vote.”
    When touting the “America’s Coming Bloody Revolution” book on his Facebook page, Mohn wrote, “I believe the time has come for action.” He also wrote a book called “The Revolution Leader’s Survival Guide,” according to his Facebook page.
    One of his book captions says that Justin Mohn’s “four year stay in Colorado caused multiple lawsuits and changed the possible outcomes of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election by exposing 3 Presidential candidates as corrupt which forced them to drop out of the race.” A 2017 book description says he wrote then-President Trump a letter, according to Levittown Now.
    In 2023, he filed a lawsuit against the federal government that reads, in part, “Justin Mohn, a 2014 graduate of Pennsylvania State University, returns for the fourth time pro se to sue the United States for allowing him to borrow money to attend college without advising him he may not find satisfactory work as an overeducated white man almost ten years later.” ...
    He said that “the traitorous Biden regime” wants to send “America’s military overseas to fight for Ukraine and die in a Russian winter.” He also claimed without evidence that electors from both the Democratic and Republican parties wanted him to be president in 2020. He also claimed that there is belief that he is “the Messiah.”

    There are real dangers to spreading conspiratorial disinformation, it's a call to violence for many mentally ill people.

  • ...Mohn spouts...

    The federal government of America has declared war on America’s citizens and the American states. America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones.

    [A] fifth column army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border, and if the traitorous Biden regime is successful in sending America’s military overseas to fight for Ukraine and die in a Russian winter just like every other military who has ever fought Russia in the winter, then America will be less protected when the fifth column of illegal immigrants strikes Americans on our own soil. …

    If you are a federal employee and are listening to this message, now is your last chance to resign from the side of the traitors and join your countrymen in taking back your country. … I urge the U.S. Postal Service to suspend their services at this time, split from the federal government, and join your countrymen, or else I cannot offer federal postal workers any protection. If the media begins to spread lies about this revolution and its patriots. Then I authorize the targeting of news stations and their owners and employees as well. The hunting, capturing, and killing of America’s federal employees will not stop until Americans’ demands are met.

      • From another source, decapitation aside, this guy does sound severely mentally ill.

        "The video, reviewed by this news organization, includes a manifesto-style rant in which Mohn calls on his followers to take action against federal employees. It is titled “Call to Arms for American Patriots.”

        After holding up what appears to be his father’s severed head, he says he now controls and commands “America’s police and military,” and calls for the execution of federal employees, and puts bounties on the FBI director, the Attorney General and the Chief Supreme Court Justice.

        He rails against the LGBTQ community, the Black Lives Matters and “terrorist organizations such as anti-fa.” He calls for the seizure of federal buildings and says federal employees should be “publicly executed for betraying their country.”