GitHub - Asudox/lemmy-wikibot-rs: A lemmy bot written in Rust to send summaries of wikipedia articles mentioned in user comments
GitHub - Asudox/lemmy-wikibot-rs: A lemmy bot written in Rust to send summaries of wikipedia articles mentioned in user comments

A lemmy bot written in Rust to send summaries of wikipedia articles mentioned in user comments - GitHub - Asudox/lemmy-wikibot-rs: A lemmy bot written in Rust to send summaries of wikipedia article...

NOTE: Bot is currently down
cross-posted from:
I made this bot so that users who want to provide a quick summary of the wikipedia article they linked to in their comment can do so just by including a mention of the bot in their comment, and the bot will reply to the comment with the summary.
Currently multiple wikipedia links are not supported.
GitHub - Asudox/lemmy-wikibot-rs: A lemmy bot written in Rust to send summaries of wikipedia articles mentioned in user comments