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Double Standards
  • None of the above.

  • Double Standards
  • The counter to hypocrisy is not more hypocrisy. It's no hypocrisy

  • Maven Is a New Social Network That Eliminates Followers—and Hopefully Stress
  • I'm never joining another vc-backed social network whatever they promise.

  • Inb4 "oxymoron"
  • Stockpiling resources isn't possibly without exploitation. Why would anyone let you stockpile resources they create? These assumptions don't make sense

  • Skill
  • Why beat around the bush. Just remove the concept of money altogether

  • It's voluntary though
  • I don't have to argue against assertions without evidence

  • Inb4 "oxymoron"
  • That's not what Anarchism means. You can't just redefine eastabilished political movements willy-nilly

  • It's voluntary though
  • Nonsense

  • Inb4 "oxymoron"
  • That's not what an "anarchistic dream" looks like, lol

  • Nice Guy
  • I'm just saving all these golden takes.

  • Nice Guy
  • Here's me making the same arguments 14 years ago :*

  • Inb4 "oxymoron"
  • You...realize that in the system I'm talking about there's no state or police?

  • Another World is Possible
  • Feel free to chill around here. I'm all about uplifting peeps!

  • Nice Guy
  • Hate to break it to you, but your chess games have led you to the precipice of fascism and climate apocalypse. But keep playing, I'm sure the next game will reverse all that.

  • Nice Guy
  • Again, assume she has the same lack of choice. What should she do? Why does that differ from what we should do?

  • Nice Guy
  • That's a good point actually. Arranged marriages existed for thousands of years. Women and girls were usually not given a choice, but even if when they were and chose the "lesser evil" it did nothing to end the tradition and evils of arranged marriage.

  • Nice Guy
  • The fact that you're continuously dodging the questions is not lost on me

  • Nice Guy
  • If the woman doesn't choose any, who does she end up with? What should she do about it? You clearly see the absurdity when presented as an analogy, but you cannot see the similarity because the violence of the politicians is many levels removed from you.

  • Nice Guy
  • Non-participation is not the same as doing nothing. If she chooses to date neither, neither is in her life. If you do nothing, you still get trump or Biden. The analogy doesn’t hold.

    Continue with that analogy. What would happen if that woman had no other option. Should she choose the nice guy, the chad or object to the choice being fostered upon her and choose nobody? And if she’s paired anyway with that person, should she then act as if it was her choice, or take actions to disengage from that person and destroy the system that caused these turn of events?

    It fits. You say the analogy doesn't fit because "we don't have a choice". I tell you to adjust the analogy so that the woman doesn't have a choice either.

  • Nice Guy
  • I understand that I'm living in an oppressive system enforced by violence and that my life is shaped at the threat of state violence. you don't need to reiterate that to me. It's why I'm not legitimizing it by participating in this farce of "democracy" and instead dedicate my life to changing it.

    Whichever puppet is on top doesn't change all that whatsoever. Nor will your platitudes about be "accepting the democratic consensus of the many" when I don't have the alternative due to said violence.

  • It's a simple law

    > Remember, if you aren't buying anything, the police can legally beat the shit out of you. It's called loitering, don't you understand?



    Ever seen someone doing their "unskilled job" all their life? It's just fucking magic!

    The truth is that capitalists hate skilled workers, because those workers have bargaining power. This is why they love the sort of automation which completely removes workers or thought from the equation, even if the ultimate solution is multiple times more expensive or less competent than before.

    Nothing is more infuriating to a boss, than a worker that can talk back with experience.

    Best Monty Python skit

    What I love most about this scene is that it represented anarchists fairly decently. Yes they're a bit silly but so is the whole film. However they didn't equate them with random chaos or Anomie.

    However they accurately deconstruct the farce of the monarchy and why it makes no sense that it has power over them, which most everyone can understand. However if one were to replace the King with the State or Capitalists, suddenly the liberals would treat the anarchists as inane.

    Whistleblower sent to prison