The original intent of that metaphor is correct in your use, but it’s rarely recognized. It began as “a rotten apple quickly infects its neighbor.” Over time, it became “one bad apple ruins the bunch.” Now it’s used as just “one bad apple” to infer minimal or selective corruption, completely discrediting the point of the analogy.
It's also worth noting the implication of the full phrase. If you remove the bad apples quickly enough, then you can save the rest. If you can remove the corrupt elements, then you can protect the group overall. If you leave them to fester then you'll have a lot more cutting required to clean up.
Can we take a second to appreciate that those hands were drawn very well? Like, most times I draw a hand, it just ends up looking like a stupid blob, but this poster has gotten the shape and proportions pretty decently. And not just once, but twice. Good.
Even worse. The police has both the authority and the budget to:
Test candidates before they hire them as cops.
Train their cops.
Discipline the violent cops.
Protest organizers can't do these things. Anyone who wants to join the protest just needs to arrive at the appointed time and place, and if they behave badly - the ones allowed to punish them are not the protest organizers but the police.
Yes! I was actually admiring the artistry of the fists and the shadowing and everything and then I followed it down to the shapeless skinny forearms. looks like they put all their effort into the fists and couldn't be bothered to make realistic looking forearms
Facts. The amount of horribly, illegibly scrawled messages you see at protests. Luckily the worst offenders don't tend to make it onto social media, understandably.
internet users be like, i can’t read anything longer than a short tweet actually
edit: also ignoring that this poster made it to the internet and got >1k reads and counting on one platform alone. 😛 epitome of nitpicking the unnecessary
So close to being self aware. What happens when you reverse the roles with the same logic then? Judging a police force for their most violent cops but not judging a demonstration for their most violent participants is what? Are you suddenly a 'freedom fighter' because you believe your cause is just? History proves the worst people always think their path forward is the righteous one. I really wish we'd stop getting distracted by this shit and fight against the real oppressors of us all: The wealthy.
I'm 14 and that's deep. Way to sidestep the actual point.
The counter to hypocrisy is to be principled, yet that sign seems to accuse people of the exact thing it represents. I'll ask again, if your enemies are oppressors, does that make you a self-claimed freedom fighter? Rebel? Or something less flattering - Terrorist.