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Unexpectedly Wholesome
  • A friend of my mom's showed her that they'd moved her nipples to another part of her torso until she recovered from the original surgery and was ready to have implants and the nipples back on. But this was in the 70s and she only lived a couple more years, I don't know if she ever even got that surgery because of too much else going on trying to kill the cancer.

  • High levels of weedkiller (glyphosate/e.g. Roundup) found in more than half of sperm samples, study finds
  • Since we're not starving to death, in fact are more likely to be obese, the addition of fiber can be a good thing. It helps move the starch molecules through the stomach and small intestine faster so they don't cause a blood sugar spike, and helps you feel full longer. In the case of cheese, which is very constipating, the addition of fiber can mitigate that effect. It's good for the bowels and may help prevent hemorrhoids. Psyllium is more effective because it absorbs water and surrounds the starch and fat molecules, but it has a negative effect on the texture of dough and would make the grated cheese more gluey rather than keeping it from sticking together. Cheese itself isn't starchy but it's often eaten with starch, like pizza crust or croutons. Wheat bran is full of cellulose, it's part of why whole-wheat flour is healthier.

    (Sorry for disorganized sentences but hard to fix on little phone text box)

  • What zombie work across all mediums does it better?
  • I think they want to learn about people's favorite zombie stuff, and open it up to movies, books, games, songs, sculptures etc.

    Something like:

    What work in any medium, that is about/ includes zombies, is the best and why?

  • Presence Detection for a Child with no Phone.
  • It's possible that the school would allow him to drop off a phone in the front office every morning and pick it up before walking home. Depends how nice you are to the office ladies, but that's always a good idea anyway because they're more powerful than you can imagine. (Some school office staff may not be ladies these days but the principle still applies, and in elementary school most probably still are.)

  • I just hit Cancel by accident AGAIN.

    My muscle memory is having a stupidly hard time shifting from Reddit to Lemmy, so I keep typing out comments I've put careful thought into, and at the last minute hitting the Cancel button!

    How do I go back to being myself?

    Ever since LemmyWorld went down in the hacking, I haven't been able to log in using the account I created there. I do the login thing, and the little pop-up says "Logged In" but I'm not. I can't see my Subscribed feed, I can't comment or post. And I couldn't ask this question! I also couldn't start fresh because I only have one email, and it knew that. So I came over to shitjustworks which graciously allowed me to create this profile without an email address. I guess it's okay, I can work on resubscribing to stuff under this name, neither one is my old Reddit name anyway, but I would prefer going back to my other account or at least knowing what happened...? In case it happens again?

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