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Fuck the law
  • If she didn't bring a rotisserie chicken, that hat is definitely too big. But if she thought of bringing one, her brain is so large that it wouldn't leave any room for the chicken.

    That hat is a real Catch 22.

  • Echo
  • Also, I believe that the final verse is a very different translation than what the word-by-word translation would be. My german is rusty af but I believe it would translate to "will you be together until the pussy is dead, and love her also in the worse days". And the fun part is that the lines are only a slight deviation from the typical wedding vows. "Tod euch scheidet" would be "Death does you apart" and "Tod der Scheide" is "Death of the split (or slang for pussy)"

  • Anon interviews for a job
  • Look at something written 500 years ago. 100 years ago. 50 years ago. Language changes all the time, and there is no stopping that. Yep, language is an endless cycle of switching out common words and adapting to social rules. I'd highly reccommend to follow that flow instead of trying to bring back the "good old days" when n-words and r-words were common and accepted.

  • Anon interviews for a job
  • I don't get the obsession with reintroducing negatively charged words into the common language. Isn't english a rich enough language that there's an abundance of substitutes for words?

  • You have 15$. How would you spend it so that you'll be the happiest you can be for 15$ ?
  • Do like GeoWizard. Pocket the money and start walking in a direction. See how far you can get on the money. Buy simple needed items like water and snacks. Accept charity. Speak with people. Seems extremely fulfilling!

  • One in three Republicans now think Donald Trump was wrong candidate choice
  • Those numbers are worringly low. I have been assuming that the vocal group, the ones taking to the streets with their little hats and grumpy faces, were a very verbal minority. I'd expect way more than 1/3 to prefer some other candidate. Not great.

  • Nikki Haley writes ‘Finish Them!’ on Israeli bomb bound for Gaza
  • This old picture has the writing "Easter eggs for Hitler" on the bombs. I think the use case makes the biggest difference for whether writing a message is perceived as sinister. A bomb which is being sent to someone who has been confirmed to regularily attack civilian targets is not great.

  • CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • The real answer would be "don't". Have a decent whitelist dor training data with reliable data. Don't just add every orifice of the internet (like reddit) to the training data. Limitations would be good in this case.

  • Why am I being suspended?

    I created an account on a few days ago. A day after creation, my account was suspended. My appeal was denied and no reason was given. So I assumed was not accepting new accounts, so I moved over to and created an account there. Today that account was suspended as well, again without reason. I didn't post anything from either account. My only actions were to follow a few people within tech.

    Looking at previous posts here, people are laughing at complaints about difficulties of joining mastodon and pushing it away as a simple task. I have now attempted to join two of the highest suggested servers of mastodon and gotten suspended from both. I am uninterested in shotgunning servers until I find one which doesn't suspend me without reason.

    How is the onboarding process of mastodon supposed to work if the top suggested servers are suspending new accounts without warning or reason?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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