I find this shit on instagram ppl are going crazy man
I find this shit on instagram ppl are going crazy man
I find this shit on instagram ppl are going crazy man
Honestly, I don't hate all of the messages. If you're taking all that literally, though, you're probably nuts.
The other thing is it's not exactly like the matrix is made to be broken. People have been talking about the concept of Maya, that the world as presented to us is nothing but an illusion meant to keep us trapped, for thousands of years.
They claim that the enlightened people the bodhisattvas the jesus's and Muhammad's have broken through the illusion and stayed back to help guide us along the way.
Which is all well and good but that does not mean that breaking the illusion is easy. It doesn't even mean necessarily that it is possible because first you have to prove that an illusion exists and then you have to prove that there is a way to break it, and most people, I believe, go mad along the way.
I said all of that to say, if you find a way to break out of the matrix please for the love of God show me the way.
if you find a way to break out of the matrix please for the love of God show me the way
Literally just learn more about the world, not because you hate it and want to escape, but because you love it and want to know more about it. The cool thing about the real world is that it has an infinite depth, so no matter how far you go you will always have more to explore. As beings which inhabit only a small segment of the totality of what exists, you're never going to be capable of "escaping" to the "real world" the way that people talk about it, but that hardly means that you have to stay somewhere that you feel trapped.
Most people would take this as a bad advice... But psychedelics are somehow keys to unlock the "illusion".
A psychedelic trip is more than a simple illusion or trip. Some people have a life changing experience, contact with outter space beings, travelling on other states of consciousness...
People have a tendency to see those plants as dangerous or as addictive recreational drugs. Just because the media/science/law said so, but those substances are tools to explore your inner/outer-self and they are afraid that you reconnect with your inner intuition.
This would mean no corporate greed anymore, no war, no hate speech, no money, no slaves to build their empire on our workforce...
I'm 100% sure if every one would take those substances this would shift our global consciousness to something more pure, connected to every living being on earth, and treat it with respect !
But most of us are just brainwashed ego diluated beings, divided into smaller chunks of human race. Whatever you're, black, yellow, white, LGTBX... We all came from the same star dust, from a single point of singularity.
But yeah... that can be to much for some people and they can go crazy, specially if you have a higher ego. When your ego breaks down, you will feel empty and that can sometimes lead to mental instability, because you always thought that you were something special, when actually you are just like everyone else.
I do not encourage anyone to do it, but If you do, the most important part is to educate yourself, read great books about some erudit ethnobotanist, read the most recent studies on how they can elevate your well being, reduce your stress, addiction, and how/why those were used through history of time.
Last words: Set & Setting
Be careful what you wish for...
Ok, Matrix Escape pact! If either of us gets out, we come back for the other.
Oh there is a strong current pf this shit on social media going up to figures like Tucker Carlson, Newsweek + the military promoting alien psyops that tie in with all this Heaven's Gate ass shit
Entropy is the ultimate winner.
Had us in the first half.
Warning: many images
You seem to be ready to understand the Time Cube 4c3. Be free, young one!
This feels like a memetic kill agent
This one's cute. I'd definitely use it as an album cover for some band:
That somebody assumes something as fucked up as all this should be blamed on being automatons in a matrix seems improbable.
Shouldn't we be weary of blaming "all this" on a computer program? (way to face reality, by the way). Or blaming it on some god. Or blaming it on ________________ (fill in the (blank).
New wave boomers
They're just smugly sharing all these dumb ass images all day and honestly it's kind of a vibe
I may be paranoid...
... But not an android.
See it's so close to quality schizo gnome posting it's disappointing
Good luck growing onions outside of the system though
Flowing green faux Japanese characters do not provide a soil rich in what onions crave. Brawndo might. But Matrix code is right out.
Become a soulist. Destroy reality.
what did it say!???
the gates of wisdom are closed but to the key of understanding!!!
the gates of wisdom are closed but to the key of understanding!!!!!!!!