Was that midterms? I know she doesn't get political, but I think she was just telling her fans to make sure they go out and vote. More voters scares certain political parties. That's my best guess anyway.
She endorsed Biden in 2020 and has spoken out about the end of Roe v Wade and the importance of abortion rights, so while she hasn't made it her personality her team is as clear as it can ever be for a billionaire.
really ?
America... we need to talk. A court decision isn't a solid enough basis for any rights, you need an actual law get your council of Elders to do something
It's supposed to be, though. A SCOTUS ruling like that is supposed to be, and traditionally has been, a confirmation that the laws (all things considered) already say it. You don't need a new law, the interpreter/referee says the current laws already cover it.
The problems right now are a corrupt judiciary, and a government that does not represent nor even resemble the populace.
I did, I took a 45 year hard look and I think you're a hammer seeing everything as nails. I hate what she represents, a media cabal pitting idiots against each other to distract from what is really going on. Not that she's a woman. Would you say I'm bigoted against deluded rednecks too?
Edit: crickets and downvotes. Seems there is no debating some people, they just "know" they're right.
I'm guessing you're not getting many replies because you're not forming a coherent argument.
Your first comment was against Taylor Swift expressing the view that her fans should go out and vote. Your second comment is against "what she represents" which you left undefined other than the media cabal which is a separate issue and outside of her control.