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A group of simple, open source Android apps without ads and unnecessary permissions, with customizable widgets.


A group of open source Android apps without ads and unnecessary permissions

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  • Oh, hey, I use some of those! Simple Calendar Pro was at some point the only calendar app that displayed notifications for upcoming events properly. Etar and whatever the default calendar app was just displayed them silently, causing me to miss them completely.

    Another shout out to the Simple File Manager. The default file manager in Android 10... I think it's a visual mess. SFM, on the other hand is clean and intuitive. Tibor Kabuta is doing some damn fine work.

    • I use material files manager, i think just about everything else on my phone that they do is simple though, even my home screen is the simple launcher. Great set of apps. Ive stopped using play store though so sadly ive lost the video editor from simple gallery pro

  • I use most of these, really great apps! Wasn't a fan of the look but you can change the colors to whatever you want, all black everything lol