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Infrastructure-as-Code Demo of Terraform on Snowflake GitHub - nydasco/snowflake-terraform-demo: A demonstration of how Terraform can be used to manage Snowflake infrastructure

A demonstration of how Terraform can be used to manage Snowflake infrastructure - GitHub - nydasco/snowflake-terraform-demo: A demonstration of how Terraform can be used to manage Snowflake infrast...

GitHub - nydasco/snowflake-terraform-demo: A demonstration of how Terraform can be used to manage Snowflake infrastructure

A few years ago, if you'd mentioned Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) to me, I would've given you a puzzled look. However I'm now on the bandwagon. And to help others understand how it can benefit them, I've pulled together a simple GitHub repo that showcases how Terraform can be used with Snowflake to manage users, roles, warehouses and databases.

The readme hopefully gives anyone who wants to give it a go the ability to step through and see results. I'm sharing this in the hopes that it is useful to some of you.

  • I've always wondered why it isn't called Code-as-Infrastructure.

    What was your hang-up on the concept before you were "sold"?

    • I’d never heard of it. Then my first encounter was in a company where someone had built a Python abstraction layer over the top to ‘make it easy’ and it just turned into a mess. But when done well, it’s much better!