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What's the most evil hellish thing you've experienced firsthand in life?



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  • I'll just go with a tame one (Edit: I have a lot to pick from and most are really hard to put into text due to the trauma)

    My firsthand experience with police brutality

    For context I was 15 at the time and still in highschool

    When I was homeless I slept on some benches in my hometown and one night I slept on the bench behind the local library because it was one of the few that was covered and it was raining that day.

    I was woken up by being tazed by a police officer.

    He was screaming and I couldn't do a damn thing because I was getting tazed.

    After finally falling off the bench he stopped but was screaming that he could kill me and leave my body in the woods (the town is basically right on the border of a national forest) and no one would find me.

    He was screaming that if I didn't leave he would.

    I took off like a bat out of hell.

    He followed me with his car from a distance for a while before finally taking off in a different direction. When he took off I stopped walking down the streets and made my way to my school through less conventional means and slept there that night under one of the buildings.

    Edit 2: For anyone curious, I was homeless for 8 years. I've got a nice place now and I'm back on my feet.

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