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Americans, mostly women, are becoming more liberal: Gallup

American political ideology as a whole has shifted left in recent years, but women are becoming even more liberal, according to Gallup.

The survey data, released Wednesday, shows that while the country remains largely center-right, the percentage of those identifying as or leaning liberal has increased over the past three decades, and is now just 1 percent under it’s all-time high.

Roughly 36 percent of adults identify as conservative, 25 percent as liberal and the rest identify as either moderate or unsure, according to the poll.

When broken down by gender ideology, women in the youngest and oldest age groups said they were more likely to identify as liberal.

Women ages 18-29 were 40 percent more likely to be liberal in 2023, a slight decrease from 41 percent in 2022 and 44 percent in 2020, but still higher than the 30 percent in 2013. Those ages 65 and older were 25 percent more likely to identify as liberal — a slight increase from the 21 percent reported in 2013.

  • I need my copy-pasta again:

    American "left": maybe we shold do some student debt relief? Just a tini-tiny. If you don't mind.

    Rest of the world right: universal education, more funding!

    Rest of the world center: universal education, state must provide students with everything(including housing and food) so they don't worry about anything else other than learning, state must provide teachers with everything(including decent salary) so they don't wory about anything else other than teaching, state must provide universities with all necessary equipment, buildings must be maintained in good condition(so ceiling wouldn't fall on students' and teachers' heads)!

  • Reading articles like this always remind me of this The Dollop about a teacher who essentially created a cult to demonstrate how Hitler was able to convince people to go along with Fascism that they might otherwise be opposed to.

    EDIT - And now I need to use %29 to escape the closing bracket on the url markdown.

  • i'm not in this demographic, but i have also become more 'liberal' as time goes on.. and i started as a progressive minnesota DFLer.