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  • Good Lord. This whole influencer/social media celebrity thing needs to die

  • Users must be over 18 years old and reside in the United States

    Reddit: the front page of the internet intranet

  • I’m definitely not opposed to this from an ideological perspective — you are actively producing content for a platform that’s making money off of it, so surely revenue sharing with you is just the right thing to do.

    That said unless the system has extensive human involvement I have no idea how it could possibly work. It seems rife for abuse. And I would bet on it being the first thing cut during cost-cutting (if it was ever implemented at all of which I’m pretty skeptical).

  • Remember the Real-Money Auction House in Diablo 3? This seems very much like that...

    And I bet it's going to go the way of the RMAH.

  • “We have already determined what kind of person you are, now we are just establishing the price."

  • They just got done complaining about third-party apps making money while they’re not. Now they want to pay people to post and interact? Smelling very desperate.