Why are superhero villains portrayd as sympathetic villains when a superhero kills someone they care about despite the villain themself murdering nameless innocents?
For hypothetical example; Father/son duo are criminals, harming, killing, and stealing innocent civilians. Superhero fights them, resulting in the father dying. Son is now portrayed as a sympathetic villain because all he wants is to avenge his father... despite all the fathers of children they murdered whilst comitting crimes.
Side question; do you feel sympathy for the villains portrayed like this?
that's also the same movie where the hero unleashed an army of piranha zombies on both sides of a civil war he was trying to stop and made out with his girlfriend for like 30 seconds while his pet kraken massacred his soon-to-be subjects... it was an enjoyable action film, but nuanced writing wasn't it's strong point imo, haha