What thing do you love that you can never get anyone else to check out?
Kind of a hard question to word, but is there anything in your life you have recommended to other people but no one's ever gotten into?
I love podcasts and have friends who still thank me for getting them into this one or that one. But I've never gotten anyone to listen to My Brother, My Brother and Me. I don't know if the name is unappealing or the concept but people seem to bounce off immediately.
So what can't you get people into and why should we check it out?
My favorite band is Elend, they're essentially unknown outside of the metal community in spite of not being metal in any way. (They are one of the only non-metal bands given an exception to be listed on the metal archives.) It's neoclassical, but at times absurdly violent and their first three albums have harsh vocals. (Note that "Weeping Nights" is more or less an alternate version of "Les Ténèbres du Dehors" where the male vocals have been removed.)