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What have you changed your mind about?

And I don't mean things you previously had no strong opinion about.

What is a belief you used to hold that you no longer do, and what/who made you change your mind about it?


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  • Democracy and collaboration in general. I love the idea of working together with people for the greater good and the idea that if we just all have a say in things, that will make things better over time, but it feels like the last few decades have shot down both these notions. We've got our own democratic system here in the US that's getting attacked by foreign actors who are jamming up the system with misinformation, noise, and propaganda. We've got Congress members who appear to be on the take from foreign governments and don't seem to have any sort of agenda apart from gumming up the works and bringing government to a halt. I don't think a dictatorship or fascism is the solution, but holy crap do we need to sweep away the people who are obviously working in bad faith to undermine our democracy. Even just relying on people to vote in their own best interests or the best interests of the country in general is really not a reliable way to get rid of bad actors in the system.

    With regards to collaboration (in business or personal settings), I've rarely seen anything come from it. In school, "collaboration" meant working on group projects where 99% of the group did nothing and 1 or 2 people drove the project forward. Much the same happens in business work groups. Trying to get friends or random strangers on the internet to collaborate on writing or gaming projects has just been an exercise in futility for years, as it usually ends up being 1 or 2 people driving things forward, and no real commitment or output from anybody else (people flake out regularly). I just stopped trying to work with other people on anything unless somebody else pulls me into something and shows some amount of progress on their end, otherwise I just feel frustrated when it seems like I'm the only one even trying to do anything. Any of my "biggest achievements" in life have been things I worked on on my own or was the primary driver behind it.

    • I don't think a dictatorship or fascism is the solution, but holy crap do we need to sweep away the people who are obviously working in bad faith to undermine our democracy.

      I think the main problem with democracy is that it combines several things that should not be combined, specifically the who, the what and the how.

      In the current democratic system you can vote for a person or party (the who), you can choose these people based on their claims of what they want to achieve and how they want to achieve it. This allows for all kinds of fuckery. For example: the people you voted for may not actually implement the measures they claimed they would or the proposed method of achieving a goal may not actually have that effect (intentionally or out of ignorance). Some party could claim they want to improve the economy (what) by lowering the taxes on the richt (how), while their actual goal is simply to lower taxes for the rich knowing full well it won’t help the economy whatsoever.

      What I would like to see is what I’d call a ‘democratic technocracy’. People get to vote only on the ‘what’, i.e. the goals they want to achieve, and their relative priority. The ‘who’ are the people most qualified to achieve these goals, and the how should be determine through a thorough scientific process. These people should then regularly be evaluated based on their performance in achieving these goals and replaced it they don’t.

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