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This post got me banned from Tenforward how will it do here?

  • Is this community just a bashing place for Discovery?

    • Not at all. Many people dislike it but it has some good episodes.

      Mostly from season 1.

      The two part pilot, the episode with Harry Mudd and his time reset gizmo. The Mirror Universe episodes from the second part of season 1 and the two parter in season 3 where Georgeu gets sent back in time.

      It is consistently the worst Star Trek show but like Picard it does have some redeeming qualities.

      If you think Discovery is Star Trek at its best then that opinion is also welcome here and I’d welcome the discussion with you.

      • I personally really enjoy the show, and cannot wait to start rewatching it with my wife.

        I ask because the only posts I have seen from this community so far have been bashing Discovery.

  • It won’t get you banned here but judging by the 4 downvotes to two upvotes it doesn’t appear to be the prevailing opinion.

    For most of Discovery this is pretty accurate though. There are some good episodes but it’s mostly bad.