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Last Epoch 1.0 released (almost) 24 hours ago. What are your experiences? What masteries did you choose, what builds are being pursued?

Just want to get some general discussion going :D

As for me, I've played a necrotic spell Warlock, seems bonkers strong, even though I barely have good equipment.

Also, I've finally y managed to get into a faction, the Circle of Fortune. Seems very nice so far.

  • Played almost non-stop since launch. Despite the server issues I was having a really good time. I've now got 3 characters in end-game; just unlocked empowered monoliths with one and close to unlocking them with a second character. I started with a spellblade as my main, then created a warlock to play with my husband but she's now my highest level character (level 86). A few days ago I created a falconer which I'm actually enjoying the most out of the 3 classes I tried.

    I joined CoF and really enjoy that faction. I initially decided to mix things up and join MG on my falconer but that quickly got boring because I didn't really see any benefits while I was leveling and I personally enjoy lots and lots of loot so I think CoF is better for me.

    Although I've been using loot filters since the start I found that my stash tabs tend to be full a lot. So I had to spend quite some time at the weekend reorganising my tabs and selling or shattering loot that I wouldn't be using on the characters I'm playing at the moment.

    Usually I get bored around endgame because ARPGs of course tend to be grindy and it sometimes takes quite a while to get the loot you want. But with the crafting system I'm actually finding this a lot less boring than in other ARPGs. It feels more rewarding even if I don't have the 'perfect' gear yet.

  • I choose rouge Marksman masterly because I love bows and arrows game is fun so far it's my first arpg experience and the game plays really well on deck.

    • Marksman was also one of my first - watch out for unique bows, they all are generally really good for certain builds and playstyles, especially DoT and elemental builds :)