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Wild Plan Emerges To Turn An Asteroid Into A Space Station Crawling With Spider Robots Wild Plan Emerges To Turn An Asteroid Into A Space Station Crawling With Spider Robots

The project could be completed in 12 years with a single rocket launch containing a base station, spider robots, and a modest set of supplies.

Wild Plan Emerges To Turn An Asteroid Into A Space Station Crawling With Spider Robots

If you've ever sat around wondering "why can't we just hollow out an asteroid, make it spin, and then live on it?" know that you're not alone. In fact, a research team from the University of Rochester did a semi-serious study of the matter and put together a comprehensive plan about how one might go about doing such a thing. It doesn't require any exotic tech (though it's a bit beyond what we're currently capable of), and would "only" cost on the order of $34 billion according to the team.