You could try talking to a therapist. When they have an opening in 3 months. Which you'll have to use one of your 3 annual sick days for. And pay out of pocket because the insurance that your employer takes $400/mo out of your paycheck for doesn't cover that therapist.
while you are in the middle of a mental health crisis is a great time to start looking for a therapist because you can navigate the complicated mental health care system, wait patiently, and pay cash for something insurance claims to cover.
Sorry, you’re pre existing, we can’t cover you.
Work remote, cry at home 👍
Made me giggle while working at home 👉
Working at home on Lemmy ;)
I upvoted but please know I hate this
thank you...?
Post deleted reason : Too real.
maybe this belongs in !
This might be too rl for me.
If you're spending what seems like an inordinate amount of time cooking and cleaning during the week, meal prep! It helps me have time to unwind during the week.
If your soul is slowly being crushed by the corporate hellscape that is the United States... I don't have a remedy for that. Except maybe whiskey on the rocks and a joint, but that's a bandaid.
On the bright side, there WILL come a day for all of us when we don't have to anymore.
A small mercy, but better than this for all eternity. Sad that our species took the paradise we spawned from and turned it into a torture chamber for many to most.
You mean death?
Of course.
Lol you didn't think I might have meant retirement, do you? The capitalists have been phasing out peasant retirement for half a century to increase the acceleration of their ego scores and buy second super yachts to keep their first super yachts company. Now just the capitalists and their most devoted little class traitor sycophants are permitted to stop laboring for the masters before they flatline.
To be fair, I hear super yachts get pretty lonely though...
top tip for happiness (unfortunately) is to live within 20 mins of where you work.
I relate to this way too much… but for me that feeling’s so overwhelming that I rely on substances to suppress it.
so stop taking it then? organize, unionize, make it known that this isn't okay and things need to change.
Unionizing is hard in many cases. Big companies intentionally make it so.