What stood out to me is how bad the Ally can be in certain games when not plugged in. 1% and. 1% lows that are worse than either of the decks.
The best thing about the old deck (other than the screen) is battery life. In Dead Cells it beat the lcd decks 6 hours with 8 hours of battery life while running at 90 fps instead of 60 (the ally lasted 2-3 hours depending on refresh rate). Obviously this is not a very gpu heavy scenario but still significant in my opinion.
They run all tests off battery, meaning the Ally's potential when plugged in to wall was not the focus of the comparison. This was (or still is) a handheld based comparison. It was surprising how even the Deck LCD had often more FPS than the Ally Z1, and much better frametimes due to optimized gaming OS with Linux vs Windows probably (remind you, with realistic game settings one would actually play). I some games the Ally Z1 lead the performance charts however, so its not all lost. But the Ally was also the quietest. Overall more games should have been tested.