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Gradle Version Catalog Generator Plugin GitHub - austinarbor/version-catalog-generator: Gradle plugin to automatically generate a version catalog from a BOM

Gradle plugin to automatically generate a version catalog from a BOM - austinarbor/version-catalog-generator

GitHub - austinarbor/version-catalog-generator: Gradle plugin to automatically generate a version catalog from a BOM

If you've played around with version catalogs enough, you will inevitably come to a point when you when you want to also use a BOM in your version catalog. Doing that just feels so...clunky? You need to declare the BOM in the libraries section, and then you have to declare each individual dependency from the BOM as a library (without a version). Alternatively, you can just skip using the BOM entirely and declare each dependency without the BOM. In either case it's not a great experience and definitely could use some improvement.

I wrote a Gradle plugin (in Kotlin) to automatically generate a version catalog from a BOM so you only have to specify it once, let me know what you guys think!