Now let's see Paul Allen's rule
Now let's see Paul Allen's rule
Now let's see Paul Allen's rule
Fallout 3 had a better atmosphere than vegas IMO. The ruins of the city, subways tunnels to travel, the absoulte warzone that was anywhere infested by the mutants. It really built up a world that was hostile and ruined. I wish FO3 had the same level of faction depth as FONV.
The oppressing feeling Fallout 3's tunnels had was so great, you felt like everything could pop at your head at any moments.
I was so scared the first few times I traveled them, and I really like how some tunnels you had to travel at least once to access other parts of the map.
New Vegas feels far more like Fallout, and nailed the tone, though.
3 has more oppressive atmospheres, but the actual writing, story, and world building of New Vegas is a perfect evolution of 1 and 2.
I'd say they're equal, but also two very different feelings.
FO3 feels so much like a world reclaiming itself. You have a scant few major settlements, most things are still pretty ramshackle, everything feels shoved together. There's an air of violent change, and you're one of the hands helping to guide it down this new path.
New Vegas felt lived in. Settlements felt more established, you had The Strip as this beacon in the night, and you had outsiders shoving in on top of them. Yes, still striking the feel of "violent change", but it felt less "Bring order to chaos" and more "The King is dead. Long live the King".
Don't forget about Fallout 1+2. They're about as janky as Planescape: Torment, but still great games.
I gotta be honest. I love New Vegas and FO1 but I gave up on 2 somewhere around Vault City. I'm sure the game has it's good moments, but the total whiplash of all the proto "so Random XD" humor got to me. I don't mind some random wackyness in FO, it just has to actually be funny.
That's a hot take I 100% agree with. Fallout 1 nailed the vibe and was perfect from start to finish. While 2 has a ton of great moments (Frank Horrigan is amazing), it isn't as totally consistent.
New Vegas married the two quite nicely.
For anyone thinking about playing New Vegas again, check out Viva New Vegas! Fixes the gunplay, bugs, lighting, crashes, balance, and adds new important features like expanded consequences for your actions, cut content, a post-game where you can see the consequences of your choices, and better visuals!
Crazy that everybody had serious bug issues with FNV except me(i had more bug issues with fallout 4 than FNV)
Even if you didn't notice them, they're there! For example, the iron sights are almost all misaligned, but this mod pack fixes that.
I wish I didn't notice them, but a lot of my play sessions end with the game hardlocked and having to kill it in task manager. Still doesn't stop me from playing it regularly tho.
I'm a simple man. I see Fisto, I upvote Fisto.
I see Voto, I upfist.
Also has more interesting companions to 3/4. Obsidian are great at writing queer characters.
I agree
To bad that even years after the release it was so bugged that i couldn't play it through.
If you're good with modding, just use NVAC and some other popular bug fix mods, then it'll run better than any other fallout game. People love this game and have been fixing it for years.
Nowadays IMO the best way to play is to install
That guide explains how to install. It includes the most important stability and QoL mods for modern systems, and brings the features of new Vegas (like aim down sights or hardcore mode) to fallout 3.
You can choose to play through fallout 3, and then through the story have that character become the new vegas courier, or start right in new Vegas like a standard save and travel to the capital wasteland if you’d like.
do NOT use NVAC it'll make the game crash more nowadays use new vegas tick fix
With mods, it's pretty much bug free now, and crashless. Follow Viva New Vegas!
I prefer 4 and 3 to NV ngl
Fallout 3 i can understand but Fallout 4 god no. Every great things in FNV were removed in Fallout 4
I have some opinions about 4, but nothing like the vitriol you feel towards it lol. Could I get an example of some things they removed in your opinion?
My complaints mostly boil down to how mediocre the story, world, and characters are. But I can't think of anything they removed necessarily, just poorly implemented
Infinite money from Fisto :D