I remember reading articles during the dark ages about Trump staffers complaining that no one wanted to date them on Tinder because they worked for Trump.
The federal government still needs to function, or a lot of people will suffer. Many people felt it was their duty to continue to do their best for the American people, even though they didn't agree with the senior leader.
"Senior administration officials" are not the people making the federal government function. They're figureheads who assign priorities to the senior bureaucrats and show up at press conferences. The "senior administration officials" are completely replaceable and have no effect on the government's ability to function.
While this is 100% true the reason I can say that is because the hill itself is rife with speed and meth and coke and then the downers they need to sleep / not shake apart.
People keep shitting on trump's "Dr feel-good", and they should be shitting on that doc.
But Obama picked his junky ass, and I doubt he was a competent doctor before trump.
The only good thing about trump, was people started calling out some of the bullshit every president does. But it doesn't really matter because loads of people were fine with it again as soon as Biden took office.
It's normalized to use drugs to make all those geriatric fucks seem functional on camera, but we end up with the highest up politicians being in their 70s and having decades long stimulant use.
We can do better than 80 year old meth heads. Even if they have a doctor and not a dealer.
So while prescription drugs have long been in the White House — John F. Kennedy reportedly took a cocktail of uppers and downers to fight back pain, and Richard Nixon allegedly took an anti-epileptic drug “when his mood wasn’t too good” — they have rarely been dispensed as widely as they were in the Trump years.
I totally agree. Imagine the pharmalogical cornucopia keeping that walking corpse Sleepy Cornpop walking around. I'm sorry you're getting down voted to hell, it seems we've fallen into a shit-lib circle jerk. These assholes are even more brainwashed than MAGA morons.
Anyone else remember the sheer # of coked out interviews from a weird rotating cast of temporary whitehouse sycophants? It was especially prominent around the time of the mooch. I remember thinking the media was derelict in their duties for not putting 2 and 2 together. A bunch of "isolated" incidents i guess kinda like all the isolated maga terrorists.
The media - or coroporate news, to be specific - not only failed spectacularly, they absolutely sold their souls and everyone else down the river in a truly astonishing display of cowardice and greed.
I'm not saying the pizza shop owner has to take on the mob, I'm saying every single outlet joined in in supporting Trump at every level, even when they supposedly ran "anti-trump" stories. Their weaselly phrasing and mealy-mouthed spin - for years - was (AND IS) disgusting.
There wasn’t much the medical unit staffers could do, even if they wanted to hold the line. Several told Pentagon investigators “they feared they would receive negative work assignments or be “fired” if they spoke out.
To any future poor bastards unfortunate enough to work for trump in any capacity, I offer the following: GET OUT. Science has proven, again and again ad nauseum, the guy is a demented rapist shitbag who is absolutley hell-bent on crime. Don't be stupid.
Dr. Ronny Jackson “would come around Air Force One asking Donald Trump’s senior staff if they needed anything. This included Provigil and [the sleep aid] Ambien, and he would hand them out, typically in the form of packets with two or three pills in them.
. . . On a trip to Argentina in March 2016, one of those reports notes, Jackson’s “intoxicated behavior in the middle of the night, pounding on [a female subordinate’s] hotel room door, screaming, yelling, and overall loud behavior in his hotel room exhibited less than exemplary workplace conduct while on official travel to provide medical care for the President.” The Pentagon interviewed 60 of Jackson’s former subordinates; 56 “experienced, saw, or heard about [him] yelling, screaming, cursing, or belittling subordinates.” During a six-week stretch in 2018, a Defense Department hotline received 12 complaints” about Jackson.
That's current Texas representative Ronny "coked to the gills" Jackson, making those keen decisions for the people of Texas.
The Trump administration was well known for its chaotic, often-erratic approach to policymaking — and for its atmosphere of paranoia, where staffers regularly spilled their colleagues’ secrets and bureaucratic factions often spent as much energy attacking one another as addressing matters of state. It’s impossible to know how much of that was fueled by the widespread availability of drugs like Xanax and Provigil.
That reminds me of another government known for paranoia, backstabbing, and drug abuse.
OUR INTEREST IN THIS STORY was sparked, in part, by a handwritten ledger reprinted on page 14 of the January inspector general’s report: a tracking form for the controlled substances ordered by the White House Medical Unit. In addition to the thousands of pills of Ambien and Provigil listed are even more potent sedatives and pain pills: morphine, hydrocodone, diazepam and lorazepam (better known by their brand names, Valium and Ativan), fentanyl, and even ketamine.
. . .
But as the handwritten ledger shows — and our sources confirm — the medical unit’s procedures had grown so sloppy, so lax, that it’s impossible to prove the negative, that these sedatives and dissociatives weren’t given to White House staff.
. . .
That might sound like minor errors in paperwork. They’re not. They’re the kind of transgressions that turn patients into addicts, and doctors into ex-doctors. “If you’re sloppy even a little bit with controlled substances, you’ll lose your [medical] license,” one source notes. Without proper record keeping, there’s no way to say just how much of the Trump White House was on drugs. There’s no way to tell how they might use — and abuse — prescription medications if they come back to power. “Nothing is written down,” another source says of the unit’s drug distribution during the Trump years, “because we will always get to yes.”
Jesus fucking christ. This is terrible journalism. Modafanil is NOT a "powerful stimulant". It's in an entirely different class of drugs than amphetamines, or even methylphenidate. It's most commonly prescribed to people with sleep apnea or nacrolepsy, because it helps you feel awake and aware without having any of the less desirable effects of stronger stimulants. On a typical dose, all you'll notice is that you aren't passing out from exhaustion (and it's not particularly fast; the effects take about 45 minutes on an empty stomach); you just feel awake. Someone that's taking modafanil isn't going to seem coked out, nor are they going to be tweaking.
As far as taking alprazolam with alcohol, you have to take a LOT in order to be likely to suffer anything worse than a blackout. IIRC, the comedian Stephen Fry attempted suicide by taking an entire bottle of alprazolam and washing it down with alcohol (vodka?), and ended up waking up on his own two days later. I've done it, unintentionally; my memories of that night are very, very hazy. Alprazolam is not a particularly powerful sedative, and it's far, far safer than stronger classes of sedatives, like barbiturates.
It literally says that in the article. Just, apparently, further down than you read:
MODAFINIL WAS DISCOVERED in the 1970s by French scientists and was first handed out to pilots to help keep them awake and on task in the 1991 Gulf War. The U.S. military started to use modafinil in earnest around the 2003 invasion of Iraq. At the time, it was heralded as a massive improvement over previous stimulants: stronger and more effective than caffeine, less physically addictive than amphetamines. “These medications aren’t stimulants like the old military ‘go pills,’ there are few if any side effects when taken as prescribed. They simply stave off drowsiness until the medication wears off, then you naturally fall asleep,” one knowledgeable source writes.
But that “taken as prescribed” caveat is crucial. When handed out willy-nilly, outside a doctor’s supervision, modafinil can pose serious risks, notes Dr. Rachel Teodorini, a researcher at London South Bank University’s division of psychology who has examined the drug and its effects. “If people have cardiovascular problems, heart problems, or blood pressure issues, it could cause things like strokes or heart attacks,” she tells us. And while modafinil doesn’t appear to physically hook patients, “there’s an element of at least psychological dependence. Tolerance builds up, and you need more and more.”
Right, but when RS makes wild claims in the title - "'Awash in Speed'" - and then calls it a "powerful stimulant" in the first paragraph, that's just irresponsible. Or intentionally and willfully deceptive, because the only drug commonly referred to as speed is amphetamines and methamphetamines. Or all three at the same time.
Given that RS isn't exactly a neutral source regarding Trump (and hey, I think Trump can eat a bag of dicks, and I can count the number of Republicans that I would vote for on the fingers of one foot), I lean towards it being all three at the same time.
Alprazolam(Xanax) is one of the strongest anxiolytics made. Times one hundred with alcohol. You are trying to downplay the seriousness of this revelation
No it's not, and I don't need to downplay it because it's not that fucking serious.
Seriously, if you're worried about modafanil and alprazolam, of all the godawful shit that the Trump administration did in their official capacity, then IDK what to tell you. That's not even a fucking blip on my radar for the garbage that he and his administration did, and I don't see why people want to treat this like it's some huge revelation that is going to affect who they vote for. Because if this is your tipping point, and all the other stuff wasn't enough, then your moral compass needs to be recalibrated.