Paul Alexander, the last person on Earth living in an iron lung after surviving polio as a child, was just killed by covid. The shame of it. Nothing quite sums up the hegemonic project of covid normalization, and the total disregard for the lives of the vulnerable, like a polio survivor being killed...
I was in the ER 2 weeks ago and all the staff there think masks are chin guards. When you call them out on it they get angry and put the mask halfway on for about 2 minutes, then resumed their normal stupidity and think they are paper chin guards again.
If you consider wet markets natural. These animals viruses (bird flu, swine flu, COVID etc) all come from either trench warfare, or animals housed in essentially trench warfare (wet markets, factory farming).
Why was someone still living in an iron lung for that long? Was there really no way to build this person a portable assisted breathing contraption so he/she could have a life? Seems unnecessarily cruel in this day and age.