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Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative /article/Announcing_Ibis,_the_federated_Wikipedia_Alternative
  • This is a cool idea, but I highly encourage you to target mobile first. Reference works will get a LOT of mobile traffic. More than 80% of Wikipedia’s traffic is mobile.

    • I'm not good at frontend development or webdesign so I definitely need help in those areas.

  • Very interesting concept. Since the original wikipedia is in most parts published under licenses that permit copying & adaptations, are you planning to integrate their articles as a snapshot for the sake of having a solid foundation?

    • I dont have time for that, but other people could setup instances which mirror parts of Wikipedia.

  • This is super exciting. I think one of the things a lot of people are missing here is the potential for wikis to augment existing fediverse communities. Reddit's killer feature has always been the massive treasure trove of information for hobbyists and niche interests. There is huge potential in the fediverse to take advantage of that sort of natural collaborative knowledge building process.