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Not just the UNRWA report: Countless accounts of Israeli torture in Gaza Not just the UNRWA report: Countless accounts of Israeli torture in Gaza

Al Jazeera spoke to several released detainees about their ordeals in Israeli holding facilities.

Not just the UNRWA report: Countless accounts of Israeli torture in Gaza

Practices recorded by UNRWA include the use of a nail gun on prisoners’ knees, sexual abuse against both men and women and the insertion of what appears to be an electrified metal stick into prisoners’ rectums.


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  • Honestly, your way of replying is so fucking annoying, that I prefer not to.

    You got mad and left me like 6 replies, and you think you're "elevating the discourse"?

    Don't teach your father to fuck.

    • you think you’re “elevating the discourse”?

      yea. i didn't make this personal. i am explaining myself as best i can and not assuming your motivation.

      • "As best as I can"

        You can't even contain your replies to a single reply, but have to make a separate reply for every little bit that you address. There hasn't been any input into this conversation from you except "don't call IDF trolls IDF trolls though you're clearly not even exaggerating unlike the people I'm speaking out against. Now please proceed to answer my sealioning about my rhetoric because I'm offended."

        No thanks.

        Honestly, why do you use several replies when answering a single comment?

        • Now please proceed to answer my sealioning about my rhetoric because I’m offended.”

          your characterization of me as a sealion is bad faith and assumes you know what I know, what I don't know, and more about my motivations than I've communicated.

          your assumptions are incorrect in this regard.

          further, I didn't think you would be replying after your last comment

          • I said I prefer not to answer your meandering questions.

            Looking at your profile, you've been told this several times now, you write incoherently, spam several comments by answering every separate sentence from a comment with a new reply, and you still just do it? "Elevate the discourse", by making it incoherent gibberish?

            Very reminiscent of poor propaganda techniques. I'm not sure I'm not dealing with another Israeli troll. Or perhaps even with the same one, who just switched accounts. I'm not accusing of that though, because as of now, I'm only suspicious of it.

            Seems like you're here to confound the discourse, not to elevate it.

            Hasbara, perhaps?

            • its gobsmacking that you went through my comments and you're accusing me of supporting Israel.

            • regardless of your characterization of me or my comments I have been nothing but civil and honest with you. being accused of being an Israeli shill is a new one for me.

              • regardless of your characterization of me or my comments I have been nothing but civil and honest with you

                Yes. Quite.

                • If you make a statement in a public forum, don’t be surprised when the public responds. They are not entitled to your attention, but you’re not entitled to their silence. I will not be providing any sources to back up my position, but I’m sure your requests for them will be very witty.

                  • You're not the public. You're part of these guys.

                    Keep sealioning all you want. Maybe you'd like to try another crack at the reply to the comment the guy fled from and then suddenly you appeared, sealioning your ass off.

                    This just further elucidates my point about Israeli propaganda to anyone reading the thread. Really pulling out all the big guns, eh?

                    That’s the only thing I’m trying to persuade people of. Hopefully you’d realise that too.

                    The point is to showcase just how strong Israeli propaganda is.

                    What exactly would it take for you to admit that Israel is committing several war crimes, the worst of which is the genocide of Palestinians? This is rhetorical, because you’re literally unable to answer that, as there is no amount of evidence that would ever change your mind, because you don’t base your opinion on facts, you base it on what you get told.

                    Weird how “you can find anything on the internet”, but you can’t seem to find anyone who disagrees with the UNITED NATIONS and the Human Rights Watch. Guess “anything” doesn’t include “support for my propaganda”, huh? I mean, ofc it does, but even you realise how ridiculous those propaganda sites would be in comparison to the Human Rights Watch, United Nations, International Court of Justice and the OCHR.

                    For instance you trying to assert that you, a random IDF trollito on Lemmy would know better than Raz Segal, the associate professor of holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, who says:

                    Perpetrators of genocide rarely express their intentions in direct and explicit ways, so courts are left to infer such intent through an analysis of state actions or leaked memoranda. In the case of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, however, as the Law for Palestine database shows, people with command authority have been making genocidal statements repeatedly over the past three months.

                    They have dehumanised Palestinians in their rhetoric, and painted the population in Gaza, as a whole, as Israel’s enemy. Bolstered by the hubris of settler colonial power and the knowledge that it has killed, maimed, destroyed, expelled, humiliated, imprisoned and dispossessed with more than seven decades of impunity and by the continued material and moral support of the United States, Israelis are explicit and unashamed about their genocidal intent because they have imagined and prosecuted a war against people who they see as colonised “savages”.

                    Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant described Palestinians precisely in this way, as “human animals”, in his proclamation of the “total siege” on October 9. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Gaza as “the city of evil” on October 7, and then on December 24, framed Israel’s attack as a fight against “monsters”. “This is a battle, not only of Israel against these barbarians, it is a battle of civilisation against barbarism,” he said.

                    Israeli President Isaac Herzog said a few weeks earlier, on December 5, that Israel’s attack on Gaza is “a war that is intended, really, truly, to save western civilisation… [from] an empire of evil”.

                    Netanyahu and other senior Israeli ministers have left no doubt that saving “Western civilisation” requires the total destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza by describing them as the Biblical people of Amalek – a people perceived in whole as an enemy that must be destroyed – and as Nazis.

                    How does it feel being on the wrong side of history?

                    • You’re not the public. You’re part of these guys.

                      I thought you were accusing me of being a Jacobin at first which was very confusing, considering the tenor of your other messages.

                      baby, I'm an anarchist. did you actually read any of my comments?

                    • What exactly would it take for you to admit that Israel is committing several war crimes, the worst of which is the genocide of Palestinians? This is rhetorical, because you’re literally unable to answer that, as there is no amount of evidence that would ever change your mind, because you don’t base your opinion on facts, you base it on what you get told.

                      you are really making some bold assumptions here. I organize with my local Palestinian resistance. you have really gotten yourself worked up here and convinced yourself of things that aren't true.

            • you’ve been told this several times now

              I don't let people tell me what to do.

              • You just tell other people to do things you think you know how to do? "Elevate the discourse."

                Read the comments better. Spend sometime reading before you start larping a philosopher. "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent." - Ancient Jedi Wisdom

                Learn how to use a forum and how to have basic respect for others, so you can learn when it's appropriate to disrespect them.

                That's all little nephew, hope you have a fun time never being able to have a conversation and always having to go on tirades about why you think your schizophrenic way of using Lemmy should be the standard and how everyone else should just use your way instead of the better way that it's used currently. Because... "you don't let people tell you what to do". Honestly, I suggest you do. At least for like the next 10 years or so.

                • your schizophrenic way of using Lemmy

                  this is ableism

                • I you think your schizophrenic way of using Lemmy should be the standard and how everyone else should just use your way

                  I never said anything of the sort

                • You just tell other people to do things

                  I didn't tell you to do anything. I asked. I even said please.

                • Learn how to use a forum and how to have basic respect for others

                  that's what I was asking you to do.

                • That’s all little nephew

                  being condescending is inappropriate. I'd go so far as to say uncivil

                  • Being condescending is very appropriate, when interacting with an obviously immature person who is clearly, whole-heartedly using propaganda techniques to try to obfuscate the thread they're in, despite saying they want to "elevate the discourse."

                    Enjoy your ban for spamming.

                    Also, "nephew" is an Asian honorific for someone younger than you.

                    • characterizing me as immature, vaguely accusing me of using propaganda techniques, and your threat of banning me, despite not being an administrator or moderator, have no place here. they are worse than offtopic.

                    • “nephew” is an Asian honorific for someone younger than you.

                      you have no idea how old I am. this reads like backpedaling.

                • Spend sometime reading before you start larping a philosopher. “

                  larping is live action role play. online, you're just roleplaying.

        • why do you use several replies when answering a single comment?

    • You got mad

      no, i didn't.

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