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  • Ubuntu, before Unity came along

    • to be fair gnome3 was a hot steaming pile of shit when it released, and was still bad for literal years. i say that as a gnome user, but i'm sorry, it was unusable for a big stretch of time there.

      as much as i dislike canonical for pushing snaps, Unity makes sense to me under that light.

  • First time I mucked with Linux I don’t think there were any formal distros yet. Had to rawrite the kernel to my full height 5.25” 100mb hard drive

  • Raspbian (Buster) for my first; Kubuntu for my longest, and still happily enjoying it!

    Call me a normie if you must, I need shit to work and I like it lookin' pretty.

  • its been a long time

    i think around 2013 i started occasionally tinkering with ubuntu,
    i then quickly started distrohopping
    (mint, debian, kubuntu, antergos and probably more)

    in 2017 i started seriously using antergos (i3wm) on my work pc

    i was still only occasionally tinkering at home,
    untill 2022, when i learned about proton,
    and fully migrated my private computer from win 10 to fedora(kde)

  • For me, it was Mandrake, I think it was back around 2000. I played so much Tux Racer on that machine. However, after they switched the branding to Mandriva, the OS started to run pretty poorly for me around that time. I stayed away from Linux entirely until around 10 years ago when I friend introduced me to Mint. It's been my main ever since, though I've played with others since then, like OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, and most recently, Debian and EndeavourOS.

  • Mandrake. After that it gets hazy, but Mandrake was first.