M76 - The Little Dumbbell Nebula
M76 - The Little Dumbbell Nebula
M76 - The Little Dumbbell Nebula
The Little Dumbbell Nebula gets its name because it kinda looks like a tinier version of the Dumbbell Nebla M27 (yes, a different palette was used for this pic). It's really tiny compared to the uncropped FOV. I'm a lot happier with this attempt at it, compared to my 2019 pic of M76 with the same equipment. I know It's a bit out of season rn but I needed something to shoot at the start of the night. The nebulosity itself is false color, but the stars are true color RGB. Captured over 10 nights in Feb/Mar 2024 from a bortle 9 zone (I could only get a couple hours max per night on it.
Places where I host my other images:
Acquisition: 21 hours 6 minutes (Camera at -15°C), NB exposures at unity gain and BB at half unity
Capture Software:
PixInsight Preprocessing:
duplicated each image and removed stars via StarXterminator. Ran DBE with a shitload of points to generate background model. model subtracted from original pic using the following PixelMath (math courtesy of /u/jimmythechicken1)
$T * med(model) / model
Narrowband Linear:
This is a great new pixinsight script from Sketch on the discord. here's the link to the repo if you want to add it to your own PI install.
RGB Linear:
R = iif(Ha > .15, Ha, (Ha.8)+(Oiii.2))
G = iif(Ha > 0.5, 1-(1-Oiii)(1-(Ha-0.5)), Oiii (Ha+0.5))
B = iif(Oiii > .1, Oiii, (Ha.3)+(Oiii.2))
This basically re-linearizes the two images, adds them together, and then stretches them back to before
(again, credit to Jimmy independent starless processing stuff)